Chapter 8: Ties of Healing

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The greatest healing therapy is friendship, and love.

- Hubert H. Humphrey

Chapter 8: Ties of Healing


"Now where are you going in such a hurry, princess?" I skidded to a stop as Lance stepped in front of me. "For the love of God, leave me alone! Stop showing up, wherever I go. It's annoying the crap out of me!" I yelled in frustration, but also fear. I had never had to deal with him outside the safety of the castle, and I had no one to back me up. Not to mention the fact that I had just gotten in trouble for nearly beating the crap out if him, and I was not about to sit through another one of Julia's lectures. Lance just smirked at me and walked closer, forcing me back until I ran into a tree. His hands touched my face and I had to bite back my hiss of pain as his silver ring stung my cheek.

He must have noticed though, because he pulled his hand away and studied the small wound. His eyes darkened in anger, and disbelief, "Dammit!" he yelled, not caring about the palace that was too far away for anyone to hear us from inside. "They were right? You really are a freak? An abomination. Urgh, and to think I had wanted to make you mine. Instead you're a lying bitch. A bitch who is about to die." he whipped around so fast I hadn't been able to block his fist as it came at me.

My head snapped to the side from the blow, and I felt my anger rise up. I hissed and lunged for him, taking him to the ground, but he managed to kick his feet up and send me flying backwards. Gabe? Gabe, I know you're angry at me, and you probably hate me but I need your help. Please, help me. I sent the plea to him through our bond, just before Lance came up beside me, grabbed a chunk of my hair, and threw me back against the tree. As I straightened back up, I saw Lance reach into his pocket, and suddenly he put his hand out, and blew powder all over my face. It wasn't until I felt my skin burning, that I figured out it was powdered silver.

My hands went to my face as it burned from the fiery silver, and I crumpled to the ground howling in pain. "Dear God, your eyes." he whispered and I knew he was seeing the red depths and silver irises. I felt the powder entering my lungs, making it hard for me to breathe, and my body started convulsing from the pain.

Out of nowhere I saw another pair of shoes standing in front of me and I heard a deep, deadly growl echo around us. Gabe crouched down in a protective stance between Lance and me, as Lance backed away from the extremely pissed off warrior before him. "You can't protect her forever. Soon every Svietyan in the world will know she's a monster." he spat at us, but Gabe just snapped his teeth and growled louder, sending him running.

Another wave of pain made me spasm once more, and Gabe quickly turned around to gather me in his arms. I felt him running as fast as he could to my bedroom and, after pushing his way through the door, he set me gently on my bed. Seconds later I felt something cold hit my skin, trying to battle away the fire of the silver and then Gabe's hand was behind my head tilting it upwards as he spoke.

"Dani? Daniella, can you hear me?" he asked worried and still angry. I opened my mouth to speak but my throat was too dry and tongue felt thick. "Shh, it's ok, you're ok now." he whispered "Shit, Daniella, you need blood." As he said it, I felt him start to bring his wrist toward my mouth. Even as I shook my head, my fangs betrayed me and shot out of my gums, toward his offered vein. He stilled my head and brought his wrist closer, "If you don't drink now, you will die. Dani please?" he sounded heartbroken. Yet could I blame him? I had turned down his love, broken his heart, and for what? For him to have to give me his blood, forging yet another connection to me?

Before I knew what was happening he jabbed his wrist at my fangs, drawing blood, and I was a goner. The scarlet liquid hit my tongue like sweet nectar from heaven, and I could already feel my body start to heal. As I drew more and more into my mouth, he calmly stroked my forehead and brushed hair out of my eyes, inspecting the healing wounds on my face. When I felt the worst of the pain subside, I gently withdrew my fangs and licked the twin puncture marks clean. Even after it was all done, Gabe continued to hold me and stroke my hair. Yet as gentle as he was being, I could still feel his anger pulsing through the air.

"Thank you. I didn't know if you had forgiven me enough yet, to help me. I'm really sorry Gabe. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." The words came out scratchy and rough as my throat continued to heal, and even as I apologized I could still sense his anger. He kept rubbing my head, and combing his fingers through my hair, but he looked lost in thought. I tentatively reached up and placed my hand on his face, snapping him out of his trance. "What is it? Are you okay? Does something still hurt?" he gently looked me over while holding onto my hand, and his anger nearly evaporated. Nearly. After he was sure I was in no more pain he sat back, furious once more. "I should have killed him. I should have ripped his fucking head off for this. Prince or not, he can’t get away with this."

While he spoke I saw him pick up a wet washcloth, and place it against my head. I felt the same cooling sensation from earlier, and I snuggled closer as he comforted me. "Thank you, for still caring." I whispered, but he still heard me. "How could I not care, Dani? You're my best friend, and even after everything that happened, I do still love you. I don't think that's ever going to change, it's just going to mean something different to each of us." He hugged me tight as he spoke, and my heart broke a little bit more when I remembered my lie to him.

Grabbing my face between his hands, he kissed my forehead, and tucked me deeper into bed. "You should go to sleep now. You have a big day tomorrow, and you wouldn't want to fall asleep at your own party." he smiled and started to get up. "Gabe." he turned around quickly and I sighed. "I know that I have no right to ask this, but will you stay with me?" he looked for a couple of seconds, before climbing in next to me, and pulling me close. "Go to sleep, Omei Zylan." he said right before closing his eyes.

Svietyan - Supernatural

Omei Zylan - My Princess

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