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I find the sound of your laughter repulsing.

Yours is not the kind of mirth that gives in for delight, this is not the kind of satire that transports you to another long-ago land and to meet people and laugh at their follies. Comedy is supposed to sport with human folly, not human sin. But you do sport with it, sombre and lucid as you are. Folly is enough, but this is the menacing, formidable kind of folly of men who have no moral scruples which only waits for occasion to turn into a crime.
It repulses me, scares me, to think how far the lust for gold can push down the human spirit, how everything falls short in the endless list of sacrifices to be made to the dumb god who rules the world, yes, even today.
What scares me most is how unrealistically close to reality all of it, all of you, is. You could have been any of us. It's not demons, it's not the monsters, it's an part of that innate evil in all of us, and it scares me to think of all the possibilities it presents. We are all human, and that is the worst part.

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