I'll Be(Luke Brooks)

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Chapter 1!!!!!

The sunlight peered through my window, and loud shouts came from the living room. I groaned in annoyance. Daniel had a couple of his friends over last night. Why must they insist on getting up so early? I sat up and stretched a bit. I look to my left, and saw my kitten, Daisy, curled in a ball; sleeping contently. Lucky. Cheers eruptted from the living room. I rolled my eyes, and decided to see what was with all the commotion. "Oi! What's with the racket?" I rubbed my eyes to see five boys watching the re-run of last night's match.

Daniel glanced at me real quick then back at the t.v. "Bug off Leilani. The match is getting intense." I rolled my eyes. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum setting plates down at the table. She turned and smiled at me.

"Good morning dear! How'd you sleep?" She asked.

"FIne, I would still be sleeping fine. If it weren't for Daniel and them." I shoved my thumb back. She chuckled.

"He says the same when you have your friends over. Now, mind telling them breakfast is ready?"

"Sure." I sighed, and walked into the living room. The boys eyes were glued to the t.v. Daniel, James, Beau, Jai, and Luke. My heart did a flutter at the thought of Luke. If Daniel heard that, he would forbid from talking to Luke ever again. Daniel is over protective of me.

I made my way over to the t.v., and as if on cue right when one of the player go to make a goal I turned it off. The boys were looked at me. "Why did you do that Lani?!" Daniel used my nickname.

"Oh please, you watched it last night! Now, breakfast is rready." I turned on my heel. I took my seat at the table, as the boys followed me.

"Good morning boys!" my mum said cheerily. Something I always admired about her, her morning cheeriness.

"Morning," mumbles rang through out the table. Luke sat next me, and Daniel sat on the other side of me.

"Morning Lani." Luke smiled at me. I smiled back.


Mum set a plate of French toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs down, and we all started to dig in. "So any plans today?" Mum asked.

"Well, the boys and I are going to do another awkward train situations video, and Teddy's goign to be in it." Daniel said with a mouthful of food. I cringed, as the guys fist bumped each other, and did little cheers.

"I swear you boys are going to get banned from the tain station one day." My mum shook her head, but had a light smile on her face. She then turned to me, "What about you Leilani?"

I thought for a second, "I'll probably hang around Mikki's today." I shrugged. Mikki was my best friend, we known eacher other since year six.

"Oh, that's nice. Tell Linda I said hello." Linda was Mikki's mum. I nodded. We all went back to eating.

"Lani, could pass me the salt?" Luke whispered. I nodded. I grabbed the salt, and handed it to Luke. As he gentely took it from me, our fingers brushed, and I felt this spark. Not the static electircity type spark either. "Thanks," he smiled. I nodded, and looked down at my food, as my cheeks heated up slightly. I quickly finished my food, and excused myself to go get ready for Mikki's house.

Hi, this is my first story on Wattpad, I hope you like it! Please vote and comment, I want to know what you guys think of it. This is a bit of a filler. Sorry if it is shot too :))

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