Chapter 6

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These pass couple days have been a royal pain in the ass. Catching up with school work, plus new work, and the trouble of trying to talk to Luke have been seriously getting to me. Like, I try to talk to him, but he is 'busy' or someone needs him.

Plus, it doesn't help when I have to go with my brother everywhere, and I'm just  leaving it at that. 

"Lani, are you ready?" Daniel asked. I walked out of my room.

"Yup." I grabbed the bagel Daniel made for me. Daniel and I headed out to the gym, walking side by side.

"So how are you doing in school?" Daniel asked.

"My grades got better in history and English! The history teacher said I'm really good and would of gotten A's if I turned the work in on time." I said proudly.

Daniel nodded, "That's good. So you wouldn't mind doing my history essay then?" he said slyly.

I shoved his shoulder playfully, "Bitch, please, I still have shit loads of work to finish!" We both laughed.

We finally went to the gym, and I saw Beau, Jai, and Luke working out. "Ayeee!" Beau grinned. I set my stuff down, and Beau and Daniel you did a bro hug, and Beau wanted me to hug him, but I shook my head no.

"You're gross and sweaty, you'll smell up my uniform." I said bluntly.

Beau gasped, "That hurt Leilani!"

I just smiled, "Get over it. Also, why did you decide to become gym junkies?" I sat on one of the exercise bikes.

"We need the muscles!" Jai flexed his 'muscles' 

"Yeah, you do. Wait," I squinted closer, and stared at Jai's flexed arm. 

"What?" he asked.

"Is that a tiny a muscle I see? Oh wait, it's just a bug bite!" I teased. Beau, Daniel, and Luke laughed.

"Good one Lani!" Luke laughed. I looked at him, that was the first time he called me Lani since we kissed and it made my heart race to be honest.

I let a small smile out, "Thanks." Jai ruffled my hair.

"That's what you get for making fun of my gun show." he said, as I took my eyes off of Luke and glared at Jai.

I smoothed my hair down, "Not cool."

"Well you making fun of me is not cool." he frowned.

"I was only joking." I rolled my eyes. 

Jai cracked a grin, "I know." I then laughed.

"Can we work out now, before school starts?" Daniel asked. The boys nodded. I walked to where my bad was and did some maths work. Maths could kiss my ass for all I know, that's how much I dislike it.  By the time boys headed for the showers, I got done with all my maths work, now I need to do Religions essay, a couple of vocabulary words for history, one English essay and a couple of worksheets, and French project and I am done! Yay!

The boys came out in their uniforms, and Jai, Daniel, Luke, and I had to walk to school, because Beau had work. 

"It's freezing out this morning!" Jai said rubbing his arms to warm himself up.

"You should of been smart and wore your jumper, like me... And Luke." I smirked. 

"Luke give me your jumper fag." Jai demanded.

"No, can't you see I'm wearing it!"

"Just until we get to school?" Jai looked at Luke. Luke sighed, and slipped his jumper off. As he did his shirt slid up and you see his a bit of his torso. I gulped, and quickly looked down, hoping my cheeks weren't tomato red. 

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