Chapter 2

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"Oh my god Lani! Your brother and his friends are hilarious! Hahahahahahha." Mikki doubled over in laughing, as we sat on the curb, near the entrance of  Penola Catholic College. We were watching the latest video Daniel and them posted on my phone.

"Ehhh, they're okay." I shrugged.

Mikki looked at me, and scoffed, "You only say that, because your brothers in it!"

I cracked a small smile, "Damn, you know me so well." Mikki shook her head, as we continued watching.

"Hey Leilani, Mikki," Jai greeted, as he sat down next to us. He peered over to see what we were staring at on the phone. "So Lani, how many times have you watched the video? Ten times? Let me guess the only reason you're watching it is to admire my handsome face, and fit body?" he smirked. 

I laughed, and playfully shoved him. I got along with Jai the best, he considers me the sister he has always wanted. "Oh my gosh! Five minutes til the first bell! I don't want to be yelled at for being late again!" Mikki screeched. She grabbed her bag, "See you two later!" I waved at her. Jai stood up, and offered me his hand.

"Best be on our way too," He smiled, as he pulled me up. Jai and I have had the first lesson together.


The final bell rang for the day, I jumped out of my seat, and walked outside. The whole day was so boring and slow! "Leilani!" I turned and saw Daniel catching up to me. I adjusted my bag to sit more comfortably with my homework.


"I'm riding with Jai and Luke, Mum's working late. You know the rules?" he quirked an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes my dear brother. No parties, drug, alcohol, and boys." He nodded.

"Good, now see you later!" He gave me a quick hug, and ran off to Beau's car, where Luke, Jai, and Beau were waiting. 

I walked home to a silent house. I sighed as I dropped my bag on the floor. I plopped down on the couch, and thought of what I should do. I have homework, but I don't want to do it at the moment. I'll text Mikki see what she is up to:

To: Mikki Ds; What's up?

From: Mikki Ds; oh you know the sky? Lln jk eating, what about you?

To Mikki Ds; being bored; want to hang? :)

From: Mikki Ds;  Kayyyyyyyyyy be there in 10. x :))

To Mikki Ds; kk

I just went on Tumblr, as I waited for Mikki.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door, and Mikki walked in. "hey, hey, hey!"

"Heyyyooo," I replied back, as I shoved my phone in my pocket.

"You still in your uniform?" she looked at me.

"Meh, today's my lazy day," I shrugged.

"Then, everyday is your lazy day?" she added.

I scoffed, "I am not that lazy!" She just laughed. "Ehh, this room is boring. Let's go to my room." I got up and grabbed my bag. We walked into my room, and I closed my door. My room had white walls, with pictures and posters everywhere. 

She sat on my bed, "Guess who I caught staring at youuu in school today." Mikki said in a sing-song voice.

"Who?" I asked.

She smirked, "Luke," I gasped.

"He did not!" I blushed in the process, "He couldn't of been! There must of been something on my jumper, or in my hair-" I started rambling about how impossible it was.

Mikki laughed, "No, no, he was looking at you. No fuzzies on your jumper, hair perfect as can be." 

I smiled, "Are you sure?" I was still in disbelief.

She slapped my cheek lightly, "Yes! Stopping being a pussy, and get it through your head Luke checked you out!" My cheeks reddened even more. He was my brother's best friend. Daniel would flip his shit if he knew I liked Luke. 

"Leilani!" someone from the foyer, it was my brother.

"In my room!" I hollered, as I searched for a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, trying to hide my blush from Daniel. Daniel came in my room.

"Oh hi Mikki, the boys and I are going to Chinatown for dinner, and Jai and Luke insisted for you to come, so you want to go?  Mikki can come too." Daniel said. Mikki shot me look.

I sighed, "Let me change really quick?" he nodded, and walked out closing my door. Mikki grinned cheekily.

"LUKE insisted." she smirked.

"And JAI." I retorted.

She giggled, "This is too much fun. I'll be waiting downstairs!" she skipped out. I rolled my eyes, and shook my head and changed into this: I walked downstairs, and outside to Beau's small ass car. I stood there, to see everyone packed in.

"You're on my lap princess." Jai winked 'seductively', Luke pinched him, and Daniel punched his leg. "Owww! I was just joking." I rolled my eyes, and got on Jai's lap.

"Just duck if you see any vests of authority or police cars." Beau told Mikki and I, Mikki, who was on James lap. 

"I feel unsafe with her choice of wardrobe!" Jai said, talking about my studded jean vest.

"Dude, if she has to duck, she gonna end poking something." Luke stated.

I scoffed, "There not sharp!" I reassured. Jai and Luke kept poking at the studs, and had a contest to see who could hold the finger on the studs. I slapped Jai's hand away, and pushed Luke's hand away, I still felt the static when I touched Luke. "Stop it!" I hissed. Mikki, James, and Beau were laughing, Daniel was slightly.

We finally made it to Chinatown, and we parked in the Oriental grocery shop, and walked through finding a restaurant. "I want some sushi." Jai suggested.

"Ewwie, I only like vegatable rolls." I cringed.

"No one wanted your opinion Leilani!" Jai yelled at me.

"Well, no one wanted to know that you wanted sushi!" I yelled back. We then busted out laughing.

"God you two are so annoying when you hang out together." Mikki smiled.

Beau laughed, "They're worse at home." We found a restaurant that served all our wantings. I sat in between Jai and Luke. It was a tight squeeze, because it was a two-person booth, and we were fitting four of us, Mikki, Jai, Me, and Luke. I was knee to knee with the twins, and it felt tingles where Luke's knee touched mine. I tried to hide my blush.

We ordered our food, and we all just talked. "So what should we do for our next video?" Beau asked.

"Know what's popular, that Ellen's Dance Dare. Those are hilarious!" I took a sip of my drink.

Luke agreed, "I've seen a couple of those, we could totally do that!" I smiled.

"Lets do it!" Daniel said, everyone else nodded. I grinned.

"Thanks Lani." Beau gave me a high-five. I nodded.

For the rest of time, it was eating, talking, and awkward knee bumping with Luke, that made butterflies soar in my tummy. 

sorry, it's been a while and if it's so short! Enjoy!

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