My Mother's...Silence

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Blake's POV

   "Is it true mother?" My body shakes as I take in what my mate said. My mother...was part of it. She was with someone else who raped and abused X. The news wraps around my head as I look to X who slaps my mother's approaching hand away. The calm voice of X echoes in the room as he talks, giving my hand a squeeze.

   "Tell them the truth Mira. I never forget a face that hurt and tortured me past the age of ten and above." Mother narrows her eyes at X, sitting down across from father. Her dark green dress shifts, revealing more than what was needed to see.

   "I did help, but he was such a handsome boy at that age too. I couldn't resist and besides, he behaved like a well trained sex slave." Sick with disgust at her eying my mate, fingers moving underneath her dress. The annoyed huff I hear and low warning growl gives me comfort as I resist the urge to yell.

    "I preferred life instead of death at the time. What ten year old wants to die by his parents and two strangers hands?" The smirk on her face gave me an eerie feeling as she speaks up, venom lacing her words.

    "You do have nice hands that did wonders. Your parents were right in reigning you in back then. Control and pleasure is everything. Especially pleasure." The white hot anger sensation hits my system as I recognize it as X's own, our bond much stronger from earlier. The shaking stopped as X's hand kisses my knuckles, a blush rising to my face at the hidden message.

    "Only those that want to be controlling have their own insecurities holding them back and take it out on defenseless people. I was a victim, but that didn't stop me from growing into a better person." My heart swells with pride at the sentence as I give him a peck on the cheek, arms wrapped around his body. Mother looked less than happy at that, giving a glare at the male holding me. She's jealous. It's almost funny. I send him the message, receiving a sigh. Back then, it wasn't fun. I was 15 when I was rid of my parents and the other two. They got caught and were sentenced  to death for their crimes.

    "How is bartending better than before? You can get hit on either way." Staying wrapped up in his arms, I sigh, wondering why mother is so persistent. Father intervenes before either of us can say anything.

    "This discussion is over. I've heard enough to know the truth behind the rumors." I pale as X speaks up, lost in thought.

    "The rumors are true. At least those of them being into a drug business, otherwise we'd had been poor in a smaller house. A few times they were assistants in a few killings, almost including mine." How are you so calm talking about this?  I return the kiss he gives me, grinning. It's all in the past, I've moved on from it, changed into a better person. It doesn't bother me at all.

    "It's time for us to go, they are getting ready for their date later. Have you two and use protection." Faces resembling cherries we leave quickly as the hushed sound of whispering is heard. The pictures and documents in his bag in a flash as we ride over to his place. Without thinking about it, I slip my hand in his pants, rubbing his head, precum leaking from it already. The stiffness in his cock is enough for an answer as I stroke him, flicking his head, the low rumble in his chest making me smirk. By the time we get to his apartment and enter, the door is locked as I am pushed against the door, lips roughly meeting mine. I gasp at the hand palming my erection through the jeans, bucking into them as a tongue touches mine, sucking. The moan leaving my lips gets cut short as he deepens the kiss, my legs wrap around his waist as he leads us to his room, unlocking it and closing it with a free hand.

    "You wanted to be handcuffed right?" Butterflies bloom in my stomach at the excited gleam in his eyes, his body towering over mine, legs spreading my own apart. The cold metal on my wrists make me shiver in anticipation as clothes are taken off slowly. The hands brushing past my nipples, twist as a low moan escapes me. My shirt is off as a tongue attaches to my nipple, sucking. The other being rolled around softly. It stops as soon as it starts, a bewildered sensation takes over me as I go to look at him, seeing nothing but black. The silky cloth or tie on my eyes makes my heart flutter faster as hands guide mine to X's naked body. I gulp as attempt to grasp his erection  as the air hits my body, realization hitting me as I gasp. My cock being surrounded by warmth, throbbing as X pushes himself down on me, riding me. My hands abandon his own cock, gripping his hips, pushing him down faster. The moan that hits my ears is music to me as I thrust into him, being tightened to the point I move faster, seeing white at the corners of the darkness.

    "Ah~ You're so big Blake. Fuck!" The hot liquid hitting my chest and face raises a smirk to my face as I lick the cum that fell on my lips, thrusting harder into him. I see white as I whisper his name, my load flowing into him. I can see the next instant as his flushed face is seen. A glint in his eyes as he looks over at me, getting off me and positioning himself in between my legs, his tip entering.

    "Why'd you stop?" Breathless, I ask him, blushing at his statement. More gets pushed into me, but not nearly enough as I thrust my hips, hands stopping me.

    "Beg for me love. Then I'll give you what you want and more." His body glistens with drops of sweat, a smirk adorning his lips. Biting down my protest, I do as he says.

    "Fuck me X. I need you inside of me, now." The purr I receive in return is noticed before the fullness of his cock in me, makes me moan. I want to wrap my hands around his back, but my hands are against my back as I groan in frustration. "X! Fuck!" I scream out as he hits my prostrate, the sensation hitting me wave after wave before I cum, seeing white. He grunts as his load enters me, the hot liquid leaking out of his cock as he pulls out, kneeling in front of me. "W-what are you doing babe? Babe?" When I get no answer I go to say something when I moan at the fingers pumping into me, his mouth hot on my cock, sucking.

   "X, I don't think I can last much longer~" The fingers add two more, my bundle of nerves pulsing rapidly,  a tongue flicking across my head, lingering in the slit. The mouth deep throating me, hums as I twitch in response before loading into his mouth and onto his fingers, panting.

    "Are you ready love?" I nod, my face suddenly pressed against the soft bed as I'm taken from behind. A hand grasps my erection, pumping me roughly. This lasts for a few minutes before we cum together. "X!" I yell out as I lay tired from our activities.

    "Blake!" I smile as the handcuffs are taken off, the bed dipping down from the weight added to it. Exhausted, I let him pull me into his side, my head curled against his chest as he rubs circles on my hips. "That was amazing. Are you too exhausted for our date in two hours?"

    "You aren't getting out of that date babe. I may be tired, but nothing a good shower can't cure. Want to join me?" I huskily whisper in his ear, surprised as he gets up, picking me up bridal style.

    "You asked for it love. Let's go get cleaned up." I turn bright red as the monochrome bathroom comes into view, the door closing.

    "Are you ready to go Blake?" I hear X ask as I put on cologne, attempting to tidy my red hair. What had happened earlier hadn't left my mind, but swirled around in circles until we made it to his apartment.

    "Yeah, by the way. Are you alright from earlier at my house?" I look in the mirror one more time, nodding when satisfied to see a sight that made the world stop around me. His hair was down, settling past his shoulders. Dark jeans hugging his lower half as a red formal button up makes his eyes pop out. The black blazer with no sleeves, showing off his toned upper body. A gold watch on his left wrist with a skull and rose intricate ring on his right ring finger, a simple rose ring occupying his left middle finger, the black silk wrap upon touching it, on his right hand. His fingers uncovered as a few tattoos and piercings are seen. Especially the spider bite on his lip, one on his eyebrow, and a few on his ears as a necklace with four rings sits around his neck.

    "I'm fine my love. Are you? You were shaking at the news." I can only watch as he gets closer, the gentle smile on his face making my heart race more. "Blake?" Snapping out of my thoughts, the soft pressure on my lips makes me sigh in content as he pulls away.

   "I'm fine, but it might take some time to fully comprehend the situation." He tilts his head, nodding. "I do however know why when you first mate, people are sex craved and touchy with their mates."

    "Being with the one you love as one being is perfect. Breathtaking and mind blowing. Even after the urge wears off, it's the best thing ever. Seeing you blush and say my name is even more so." The devilish smirk on his face makes me do exactly that as he laughs, escorting me to his motorcycle. With my arms wrapped my mate, my wolf and I felt happy as X rumbles an agreement, taking me to an unknown place filled with people. The lights and buildings catch my attention as music drifts in and out, the park bright with fireflies and lampposts. I gasp out as the fair/carnival comes into view, my hands tightening around his middle half. I mouth thank you against his back as he chuckles, lightly squeezing my interlocked hands.

    Anything for you love. Just have fun. I'll keep a look out just in case and I have another surprise you.

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