My Mate is Sexually Frustrating

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Blake's POV

    "Way to go dude. Managed to scare off your mate and a cute girl." I scoff at Levi's voice, my wolf dying to follow and comfort Xander. The bell rings at that moment, signaling it's time for class to begin. My heart raced faster at the orange scent as I walked to class, ignoring the flirtatious looks and wandering hands. I want to hold him tight and call him mine. He's my mate and no one else's. Lost in my thoughts, I take a seat absentmindedly in Animation I, jumping at the touch on my shoulder.

    "You must be dazed from earlier Blake. Who knew the guy made you whipped within a few hours?" I say nothing as I focus on the next project Mr. Riley is explaining, thoughts of holding Xander in more ways than one invade. The class continues of like normal as we each take to our own in silence, the sound of the art door closing catching everyone's attention. The orange scent hits my nose first as he comes into view wearing a red formal button up shirt, loose dark blue jeans with chains attached, black combat boots, and sleeves tucked in neatly at the elbows. His long black hair tied into a ponytail, golden eyes glancing over the class in a bored fashion as a grimace curls his lips down.

    "Ah, Mr. Alastair, you've arrived on time." I watch his plump lips move up and down as he responds, chuckling quietly. "This is my assistant for the next few class periods for the year. Please welcome Xander Alastair to Animation class." Freezing at the information, the teasing looks from Levi and James go unnoticed as Xander listens to Mr. Riley what's to be expected.

    "You better make up for what happened before or else it's going to be hell for you buddy." James teasing slit in his tone makes me narrow my eyes and sigh. I forget about the project as I eye his backside, forcing my wolf and I to calm down. Seeing him up close makes my breathing raspy as his scent is driving me crazy. A hand appears in my vision, making me glare at Levi who smirks at me, pointing next to me.

    "I hope I'm not disturbing your thoughts Blake. Pay attention and learn from Aaron and I." The soft smile he sends the teacher makes my blood boil. I open my mouth to retort when he sends an icy glare my way, a white hot sensation going through my body. Images of his hands touching me, teasing before finally grasping. I bit back a moan, listening to his lesson the best I can, eying his own barely noticeable erection.

    "Thank the moon that class is over. It's going to be torture for the rest of the year isn't it?" Groaning at the prospect, I hear Levi's deep chuckle and James laughing as he tries to talk and fails. I grumble at my two friends amusement, knowing full well what they were laughing at. Last period is free period for everyone who goes to their activities and clubs. I look down at Levi to see him oogling some male that's caught his attention. I smirk at him only to see Xander dancing to Shape of You by Ed Sheeran with the girl from earlier, my eyes drift down to his hips moving seductively as I lick my lips.

   "Don't devour him in front of everyone when we join. Let's go fuckers." Levi states, casually leading us to Xander, attempting to kick him only for him to jump over it and turn around with a smile. James checking out my mate leads me to hit his arm when he gives me a knowing grin, leaning against the tree as Levi laughs softly at what Xander said.

    "You're on love. Don't regret it now." I join James, watching Xander and Levi dance off, attracting the students attention as they cheer on the two. Each continue in their world as the two press together, signalling that others join silently.  The two are joined as James joins Xander's friend, several dancing freely as well. My eyes stay latched onto Levi and Xander as they move their hips seductively, grinding against each other. He smirks at Levi, leaning into the shorter male as he allows the wandering hands to grasp onto his backside. Pushed closer, I swear they were talking to each other, evil mirks on their faces that turn to face me. I raise an eyebrow, fighting the urge to rip Levi away from my mate, shocked as the two attempt to kiss. Before their lips meet, I change places with Levi as he does the same with James, dancing with the black haired female who's surprised. Hands grab my hips, pulling me closer as I accidentally moan out, the music drowning it out.

    "I know you have a boner still from earlier. Let's take care of it together shall we?" The deep voice and hot breath hitting my ear makes me shake in response. "Didn't peg you as a bottom, but that'll work in my favor. Follow me." I nod in response, a heat surging through me at the steady yet soft grip on my waist as he leads us away to a private area for alphas to do their business, on the other side of school. The scenery of dark green elm trees with ashwood changes to willow trees and a clear, sparkling pond with koi fish swimming. Before I have a chance to say anything, my back hits a crevice of one of the many willow trees, lips attacking mine. I gasp, letting him take control as I manage to kiss back, moaning as a wandering hand slips inside my jeans. My hands wrap around his neck tightly as he trails his hand along my erection, lightly pressing against the slit.

    "Ah~" I bury my head into his free shoulder, enjoying the peppered kisses along my neck and shoulders, a few love bites sure to be left behind. "You're turning me on even more love. I'm restraining myself now." Jolts in my body shake me as the hand grasps me, pulling on the erection in quick strokes. "I forgive you for earlier, but I won't forget. I'd like to give us a chance at our own pace, if you wish to mate." White encases my vision as I come, not realizing what was happening as I came to. The warmth encasing my cock makes me force Xander to go faster, the relief lasting only a second later as two fingers enter teasingly. The tongue licking my head suddenly plunges downward, swallowing me whole as my hands adjust their grip in his hair. The fingers stop for a moment as another is added, going faster as my cock is thrumming from the attention my mate gives.

    "Ah fuck~ I don't think I can last much longer Xander." The fingers pump in and out of my body quickly, deepthroating me at the last second as I rasp out, 'I'm ah coming!' I ejaculate into his mouth as he gets up, kissing me before directing me down to his own problem. "I'll take it as a yes then?" The smirk on his face makes me blush as I nod, putting on my clothes again. "Then, will you please me love?" The question makes me speechless as I unbutton his pants, moving his boxers out of the way and kneeling on the ground. The erection before me was throbbing almost painfully as I lick up his length slowly. The skin under my tongue begging me to continue makes me grin as I suck on his head and slit for several minutes, satisfied at the raspy breathing from above.

    "Damn it. Stop teasing me already Blake." The low growl I recieve makes me take him in all in one go, the size taking a moment to get used to. A hand buries itself in my hair as I allow him to control my mouth. The next few minutes are torture as he grunts in pleasure, the speed surpassing normalcy as his cock hits the back of my throat, his head releasing some cum. I hum and twist my tongue around the pulsing shaft, driving him to the edge. "Ah~ I can't take it anymore!" He exclaims soft enough for only me to hear, a sweet taste running down my throat as I swallow every last drop. I get up off my knees as he adjusts his clothes, face flushed.

    "Does that mean you want me as your mate?" I shyly ask, knowing he was the alpha of the relationship. Looking up to him, I wrap my arms around his neck as his wrap around my waist, kissing me.

    "Yes. I accept you as my mate. May I mark you as mine until we mate?" The question make my heart leap as I gaze into golden eyes, mesmerized.

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