Prologue 2: The Mother

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The woman woke. It was just like any other day; light filtered gently in through the curtains, the smell of breakfast being cooked by the attendants wafted through the halls, and she was well rested. Slowly she slid out of bed and slipped her house slippers on. She moved through the hallway to the opposite end. Softly she knocked on the door.

"Sweetie, it's time to wake up~!" She chimed. She waited a moment for a response, a groan, or even the sound of moving bed sheets. However they never came. She became curious, how tired was that girl today? She quietly pushed open the door and peeked in. "Sweetie...?"

There was an unmoving lump in the girl's bed, but something wasn't right. The woman quietly walked to the canopied bed and reached in to grab the covers. She pulled them back and gasped. Nothing but a few pillows were under the covers.

The woman shrieked, "WHERE IS SHE? Where is my darling?! Find her!!!"

The attendants began tearing through the house, as did the woman, desperately searching for the girl. However she was nowhere to be found.

The woman wailed and sank down into a chair. She held her face in her hands and started sobbing. Where had she gone?

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