Chapter 5

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So I finally drew a picture of Naemini :3 Whatt'ya think??

Also if you're interested, my deviantart is AnotherDyingBreed :)


Naemini woke to a knock on her door. She didn't bother rolling over, guessing who it was and didn't bother to answer. After a moment the door creaked open as they walked in.

"Naemini..?" Rin's voice murmured. Naemini didn't answer and continued to stare at the wall. "I brought the clothes you left in the bathroom last night." Still no answer. "Mini, I know you're not asleep."

"Just get out," she mumbled.

"Why are you like this all of a sudden?" He said, ignoring her demand. "What happened? What's your problem?"

"I said just get out!!!" She snapped, sitting up and glaring at him. Rin immediately froze and opened his mouth slightly in shock. She sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks. "Just leave me alone for a while... Please."

"I...," Rin whispered. He clenched his jaw and turned away, heading for the door. "I'm sorry." Naemini watched him leave.

After a few moments she grabbed her pillow an threw it across the room with an angry shout. She huffed and let herself fall back onto the bed again. She hated this. She'd finally decided to trust in Rin and then he happens to not only be a demon, but he's a demon Prince.

And what about Yukio? They were twins after all, didn't that mean he was a demon too?

She groaned and put her hands on her face. Now that she thought about it, Mephisto was a Demon Prince too-- a Demon King actually. However, he was a liberal. He was still semi-loyal to his father... But not much. Sometimes she wondered how he hadn't been struck down by his father yet, after all the times he's acted against him. But still, she would trust him with her life... At times.

So... if Mephisto is a King... and Rin is a Prince... is Rin the son of one of the eight kings? Or is he the prince of some other form of demon???

After about twenty minutes, Naemini finally decided to get up and head downstairs to brush her teeth. As for whether or not she would trust Rin still... She wasn't too sure.


"Most demons can be destroyed by reciting what are known as fatal verses! These passages contain certain words or phrases that will cause their death~! In battle, Arias can identify and recite the correct fatal verses against demons!"

Naemini stared at the teacher with a bored expression. She really disliked this class, and especially disliked the teacher. She was stuck up, obnoxious, ditzy, and overly posh. Releasing a heavy sigh, she rested her chin and arms on the desk.

"And now what brave soul may I call on to recite the passage I assigned for homework?" she chirped. "Ms. Kamiki? ... Ms. Kamiki??? Is something the matter?"

Naemini let her gaze slide over to Izumo who seemed to have just snapped out of a daze. "I-I'm sorry! Uhm..." Naemini frowned. Something was wrong. Izumo must still be thinking about last night...

"Right! Day by day, we magnify thee, and we worship thy name! Thy name and ever were..." Izumo began flawlessly but then seemed to struggle remembering what came next. Naemini silently willed the girl to remember the simple 4 sentences, but it seemed not even she had the ability to do something as "simple" as that...

"What's wrong dear?" the teacher trilled.

"I... Don't remember..."

Even Rin and Shiemi looked back in surprise at Izumo's words. "Oohh my!!!" the teacher cried, overdramatically. "Ms. Kamiki! This isn't like you at all! Mmm, let's see... How about you, Mr. Sugaro?"

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