Prologue 3: The Demon King

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A man stood on the very top of a clock tower, over looking the city with a bored scowl on his face. His white cape billowed gently in the breeze. He looked very clownish in his white get up, especially with his knee length poofy pants and purple hair.

"If only something fun would happen...," he sighed.

As if on cue, a shriek rang out from somewhere in the city. The man spun to face the direction from which it came. He grinned. "Perfect."

With a laugh he leapt into the air. Anyone else would have fallen, but instead he bounded through the air, as if he were skipping through a meadow. He let himself fall gently from the air and onto a sidewalk. The shrieking grew louder as he turned the corner into an alleyway.

Not far from him at all was a enormous gremlin. It had its arm in a narrow space between two of the buildings, trying to reach something that was just barely outside its grasp. He assumed it was a girl, considering the shrieking and wailing.

"Well, I can't let you harass innocent civilians now can I?" He laughed. Out of nowhere he summoned his umbrella and twirled it a few times. "Ein... Zwei.. Drei!!!"

He pointed the tip at the gremlin just as it sparked and shot a blast of light at the beast. The gremlin let out a bloodcurdling death cry before disintegrating. The man pursed his lips. "That was too easy... No fun."

With a sigh he strutted forward and peered around the corner and into the space between the two buildings. His mouth formed a small "o" as he saw the girl who cowered against the wall.

She had long, thick pale pink hair that was almost feathery, and reached her mid-back. Her eyes were a bright fuchsia purple, rimmed with long thick eyelashes. Her skin was ridiculously pale as well, but none of this really stood out to him. What caught his eye were the two broken opalescent horns that protruded from the top of her head.

"Please just leave me alone!" She wailed, trying to push herself further back. "If this is one of your ways of punishing me for running away from home, God, please! I'm sorry!"

It was obvious to the man that this girl was beyond distraught; possibly even on the brink of having a mental breakdown! That is, if she hasn't already had one. He stepped out from behind the corner and extended a hand to the girl. She flinched at first then stared at him.

"Wh-who are you?" She stuttered in between hiccups. "Please don't hurt me..."

He grinned and chuckled a bit. "Silly girl! I would never harm a lady that has done no harm to me!" He bowed and tipped his hat, trying to be curtious and make her smile. "My name is Mephisto Pheles, a pleasure to meet you, dear!"

Her eyes widened even more. "Mephistopheles? But you're--"

"Bah! I know what you're going to say, but let me assure you! I am not as bad as the stories say," he scoffed. The girl looked him over warily before taking his hand. "What might your name be?"

"Naemini," she replied hesitantly. Something clicked in his mind. That name and those horns... He grinned.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful young girl," he purred as he pulled her to her feet. "Do you have a place to return to by chance?"

"No," she murmured. "I have nowhere or no one to return to."

Mephisto could tell she was lying through her teeth by the way she looked past him, avoiding eye contact. He clucked his tongue and swept her up.

"No matter!" He chuckled as she yelped in surprise. He leapt up and once again began bounding through the air. "I have just the place for you to stay!"


Last prologue before the story begins! :)

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Hope you're excited for the first chapter like I am! :)

(SORRY. It wasn't showing up on mobile for some reason so I had to reupload this....)

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