The Carnival

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"Shhhhh.. just close your eyes, Elsa," Jack said as he wrapped a blindfold around her eyes.
Elsa was nervous, she knew she could trust him, but she was anxious.
Jack held her hand and lead her somewhere. Elsa couldn't see so she had to depend on her other senses to understand where she was.
Did she smell...butter? And cotton candy.
And that was a dead giveaway.
She was just about to tell Jack her guess when she accidentally slammed into something.
"Ow!" She exclaimed, breaking free from Jack's grip and rubbing the sore spot on her forehead.
Jack had gotten too carried away with his excitement he hadn't noticed he pulled her into a pole.
"Oh no, Elsa are you ok?" He asked worriedly as he pulled off her blindfold.
Elsa was happy to observe that they were indeed at the carnival.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She said looking at him. " I'm sorry," he said as he kissed her forehead.
"Well it was going to be a surprise, but... yea, were at the carnival if you hadn't noticed" he shrugged apologetically.
She smiled at him and nodded, before sprinting off to the closest ride.


After a whole day of riding rides, playing games, and eating food, Elsa and Jack made their way to the movie theater. The movie was a closing ceremony of the carnival.

Elsa and Jack sat in the highest row in the movie theater. No one was there and it was the best seats. Elsa touched her forehead on the bruised spot, and winced, pulling her hand off.

Then a wicked thought struck her through half of the movie to get revenge on Jack. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. He didn't think much of it. Then she started to kiss his jawline down to his neck which she licked. He breathed out a little shakily but he did nothing. She kissed his neck and climbed onto his lap.

He put his hands on her waist as she kissed behind his ear. She rocked her hips on him and she noticed how he gulped and bit his lip. She licked a sensitive spot behind his ear and he closed his eyes, biting back a moan. She kissed his earlobe and blew some air into his ear.

She noticed how he pushed her down on him as she rocked her hips on him. A small moan escaped from him. His heart beat faster and his pants were getting tight.

She giggled and got off his lap. "You're too easy," she teased and kissed his cheek.

He sat there dumbfounded.


After the movie the car ride home silent. Elsa's mind was on other things and Jack... I don't know him.

When they got in the house, Jack took a hold of Elsa's wrists and slammed them on the wall. Elsa was frightened at first but her tone soon turned into amusement. "What?" She asked innocently. Jack's gaze was serious.

He didn't say anything but started to kiss Elsa's neck. She squirmed under him as she tried to conceal her sounds of pleasure. He licked and sucked her skin from her cheek to her collarbone and shoulder.

Elsa whimpered a bit and she could feel his excitement on her leg. She opened up her legs a bit and moaned when his growing boner hit her womanhood. Jack noticed this and rubbed himself against her, knowing she couldn't resist. Elsa placed her trembling hands on his shoulders and Jack went up to her mouth.

He kissed her hungrily and she let him enter her mouth with his tongue. His hands slid under her shirt and unclipped her bra. He pulled the bra out from under the shirt and threw it. His hands fiddled with her pant's button before taking her pants off as well. Elsa wrapped one leg around his waist, pushing him closer to her, still not breaking the kiss.

Jack lifted her other leg around his waist and she hung onto his neck. Her warm breathing on his neck made him dizzy for a moment before he continued to carry her to the bed.

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