The Ice Kingdom Part 1

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Requested by @BlueElephant08, I hope you enjoy lovely ;)

AU: A world were people are divided by their powers to keep peace and harmony in the 4 kingdoms.


"Jackson Overland, do you take Elsa Arendelle to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Asked the Priest.

"I do"

"Elsa Arendelle, do you take Jackson Overland to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do..." Elsa hesitated as the words left her lips.

The crowd cheered as Jack gently took a quick kiss from Elsa. She flinched. He reached out for her hand but she batted his hand away. He sighed and offered his elbow which Elsa held onto as they walked down from the steps of the altar. 

The loud cheers coming from their family and friends just seemed to slow down as Elsa walked and the reality settled around her.

She was now married to a man she never met before.

Long ago, the four elements lived in harmony. The queen of the fire kingdom, the queen of the air kingdom, the king of the water kingdom, and the king of the earth kingdom. But one day, two forbidden lovers, both harnessing great powers of their respective kingdoms fell in love. The princess of the earth kingdom fell in love with the prince of the water kingdom. They created an offspring so powerful for he harnessed the powers of both the fire kingdom and the water kingdom. He spread chaos across the 4 kingdoms, falling victim to his own greed. He was only stopped when the Queen of the air kingdom banished him into the very depths of the oceans so far down that nothing can get to him. Legend has it that he is still there to this day and whirlpools you see are him trying to drag you down with him.

Each person was separated by their powers to keep the harmony of the 4 kingdoms. And once two people turn 23, they are united in front of the kingdom's council.

Elsa and Jack were both under the water kingdom. Elsa's and Jack's powers were creation and manipulation of ice and snow.

"Jeez is it so hard to at least pretend to be happy?" Jack asked once they were comfortable in their new home.

"Yes! I don't know you! This is not how I wanted to live my life!" Else exclaimed

All her life Elsa wanted to be the regional queen of ice. Since water could also become ice and snow, a large part of the water kingdom was made up by the people who could control ice and snow. These people tended to live higher up in the mountains where the weather was the most accommodating. The queen currently was Elsa's mother. The duties of being regional queen meant protecting the ice region, reporting to the Water king, and managing all other duties of the ice region.

Elsa had been training all her life to become the next regional queen. She trained hard and studied hard, improving her knowledge and skill in the arts. She didn't want to get married even though she knew it was going to happen one day.

Elsa's and Jack's marriage happened because they were both high profile people in the ice region. Jack was captain of the ice region's guard. Even though he was young, he moved up the ranks quickly and was appointed the captain of the ice regions guard earlier that year.

"I was supposed to be queen! Alone!" Elsa glared at her new husband though clenched teeth. She had changed from her wedding dress to a more comfortable clothes. She was standing behind the kitchen counter while Jack sat on the couch.

"Queens' have Kings too, don't they?" Jack replied smartly.

"Yes but I didn't want to get married."

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