Official Lust

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Just a side note, this is an office location where Elsa and Jack are co-workers.



"Elsaaaaaa," Jack teased as the came up behind Elsa. With a groan, Elsa turned around to meet the smiling eyes of Jack. "What do you want Frostface?" Elsa asked annoyedly.

"Well...I mean...I could...nevermind." Jack sighed. Elsa sighed and turned back to the computer she had been working on. She suddenly felt a tug on her hair and spun around just to see a glimpse of Jack dashing around the corner.

Elsa rubbed her forehead. Jack was 22 yet he still acted like a 5 year old.


Elsa was on her break when she heard two voices discussing in a room. She was the only one at break at this time and decided it wouldn't hurt to peek in.

She leaned on the doorframe, and curiously peered into the room. Sitting on a chair was Jack with his head down, and standing in front of him was Hiccup, another one of their co-workers.

"Come on, Jack. Don't be so upset." Hiccup was saying. He had his back turned to Elsa.

There was a groan as Jack lifted up his head. With a gasp, Elsa ducked behind the door. She paused for a moment and kept listening in on their conversation.

"I mean, I've tried." Elsa could hear Jack murmur.

"You haven't told her directly, though." Hiccup argued. "How else is she going to know unless you man up and be straightforward?"

"It's difficult. She's just so beautiful and her smile is so charming. I can't seem to make any words when I'm around her." Jack sighed.

Now Elsa was fully involved in the conversation and trying to figure out who this mysterious person was. "Well, she's not going to know unless you tell her." Hiccup said. "Look, I know what it's like to fall in love. It really pays off once you've just gone through with it."

There was a short pause. "Look, Jack, I need to go. My breaks over. Remeber, just tell Elsa."

Elsa .....Elsa....Elsa

The words began to echo in Elsa's head as she stood for a moment in shock. Regaining her composure, she made a run to the water fountain, to pretend as if she hadn't been listing on the whole conversation. She watched as Hiccup left the room, he glanced up at her and gave her a small smile before leaving.

Elsa made sure no one was around before approaching the room Jack was left in. She stood there and looked at him for a moment. He was standing facing the wall with his head leaned back and his eyes closed with his hands in his pockets.

"Jack?" Elsa called out quietly. Quickly, Jack turned around. "Oh hey, Elsa." He tried to act casual. "Can I do anything for you?" He asked.

Elsa thought for a moment. "Yes," She replied. She took cautious steps toward him. The closer she got the more uncomfortable Jack started to feel. Her presence wasn't letting him think straight. "I sorry....I'll just...uhhh..." He rambled as she got closer to him.

His face was red as she was directly in front of him. He was still saying inaudible nonsense and immediately shut up her hand cupped his cheek. His skin felt warm under her palm and his mouth was slightly agape. She said nothing as she looked into his eyes.

He was handsome, really. His face was pale but now flaming red. His eyes were a piercing blue and under his silvery white hair. His face was nicely defined, and Elsa would've liked him better if he wasn't so annoying to her. She bit her lip in silent debate before her lips touched his. She felt how he had inhaled sharply and his eyes slowly blinked close. A rosy tint spread across Elsa's cheeks as his lips moved slowly against her's.

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