Chat 14

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*Eight Hours Earlier*

"Sam! Cmon we gotta go!" Dean hollered from the bottom of the stairs, waiting on his little brother to hurry his ass up.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Sam yelled back, his heavy footsteps heard on the creaky stairs, "okay let's go."

The two Winchesters were dressed in black suits, Deans tie being Green while Sam's was red.

"Lookin spiffy, boys." The two turned around to be met with Bobby.

"We look spiffy my ass, have you seen yourself? When did you start to own hair gel?" Dean played a smile on his lips.

"Yeah yeah, get in the truck." Bobby scoffed as he opened the front door, quickly walking out.

"What about Baby?!" Dean quickly ran out after his surrogate dad.

"Your car will be fine, it'll be quicker if we take my truck anyway. Just get in." He opened the driver door and got in, quickly starting his truck.

"Yeah Dean, Baby will be fine." Sam chuckled, climbing into the backseat. Dean began to mumble about how they should've taken the Impala instead, how it was a much nicer car but Bobby could care less and Sam found it amusing.

Time: 9:25pm

"You may kiss the bride." Annie and her new husband shared a kiss, sealing their marriage. I don't know why people would commit themselves to a person forever but like okay.


Everyone began to panic, Annie made good money and her wedding was very expensive, of course someone would want to rob you.

Bobby pulled the Winchesters down to ground, like hell he was going to let his boys get hurt.

"Bobby, what's going on." Sam panicked, he was always afraid of situations like this. He never wanted to be in the middle of one but yet here he is.

"Someone's trying to rob Annie. Stay here. I mean it, do not, I repeat, do not get up." Bobby left the boys to fend for themselves as he stood up and made his way to the middle of the isle, the robber yelling at him to stop moving and get down. "You don't have to do this."

"Yes I do. I will shoot, get the fuck down." The masked man readied his pistol, his other members robbing the house.

Everything started to go by in slow motion for Sam. One moment everything's perfectly clear and Bobby's getting closer to the man but the next he can feel his feet moving on their own, planting them in front of Bobby, taking the blow.

"Sam!" Dean screamed, quickly jumping up and making a run for his brother, catching him in his arms before he fell to the ground.

"Dean-" Sam stuttered as Dean quickly placed his tux jacket over the wound. Applying as much pressure as he could, Sam groaned in pain, placing his hands on the cloth.

"Shut up. Stop talking." Dean demanded. He could hear Bobby talking to the police, "why the fuck- oh god." He started to tear up as he watched his brother wince in pain every ten seconds.

"Ambulance is on the way." Bobby got down on his knees and applied pressure as well, Sam groaning again. The robbers were long gone by now, the gunshot making them flee.

Dean quickly pulled out his phone, Skype calling the groupchat.

"Dean?" He could hear everyone's voice ring through as the ambulance pulled up, the paramedics quickly making their way to the humongous backyard.

"Dean what's happening?" Just the sound of Cas' voice made him relax the slightest bit.

"It's okay, Sam. You're gonna be okay." Dean whispered as his brother gripped at his hand tightly. The paramedics lifting him up, Dean and Bobby following once explaining who they were.

"Gu-guys it's Sam. Sam got shot." Dean explained rather quickly, stuttering from the anxiety.

"What." Gabriel' voice sounded shocked, Dean couldn't really tell because he had his facecam off.

"We're on our way to the hospital, um- excuse me what hospital are we going to? -Sioux Falls General Hospital- did you guys get that?"

"Got it." Cas said, the others following suit, "Me and Gabe are already getting in the car. Assuming Gabriel will wanna stay we packed bags."

"I'm on my way too, picking up Kevin on the way." You could hear a zipper on Charlie's end.

"Dean- Dean," Sam grabbed his brothers arm, "give me the phone." Dean gave up the phone rather quickly, "hey-" he stopped to hiss in pain, "-guys."

"Sam! Are you okay? What happened?!" Gabriel's panicked voice.

"Gabe, I-I'm fine." Sam gripped Deans hand tighter as the paramedics poked and prodded at his wound.

"Bullshit." Charlie was slamming her car door as they spoke, "we're all on our way to the hospital, Im picking up Kevin."

"You guys don't gotta do that- sir if you could put the phone away that'd be great- we gotta go. Bye guys." Sam hung up and handed the phone back to Dean, who quickly pocketed it.

"You're gonna be okay, boy." Bobby placed a hand on Sam's shoulder, "What you did was stupid. I told you to stay down."

"But I saved your ass didn't I?" Sam laughed, pain edging its way into it. Dean smiled sadly, holding onto his brothers hand with both of his.

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