Chat 16

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It was Thursday. Kevin and Charlie had left the hospital room, bidding a 'see you in a few hours' to Sam seeing as Destiel was still sleeping and so was Gabe.

Sam looked aimlessly around his white room, it was quite boring. The color, the silence, the very faint beeping of the heart monitor beside his bed. He saw a tv remote on a table beside him so he wiggled his hands out of Gabriel and Deans grasps, grabbing the remote and then began channel surfing.
) Channel Surfing :))) (

He landed on Supernormal reruns, season four from the looks of it. The first season where they met Misha. To say the least, Sam was hypnotized on the episode, memories flashing in his brain.

Jess and Sam watching Supernormal before he had a tumblr. Jess and Sam talking about Supernormal together, thinking of headcanons and cute alternate universes.

After all, that episode was playing when the fire started.

I suppose you'll want a tragic backstory?

It was August eighteenth, Sam and Jess JUST got a break from college. The oven was on because Jess was baking cookies for Deans visit the next day, saying he was obsessed with Jess's cooking was an understatement. Sam was watching the episode, Jess jumping over the couch to join him, completely forgetting about the cookies.

Jess fell asleep on Sam's shoulder, Sam was half asleep until the horrible smell of smoke hit him. He shot up in a hurry, Jess following him whilst both running out of the room to seeing the kitchen and the front door in flames.

He did the first thing that popped in his head.

Call Dean.

"Sam? What's-"

"Dean! Dean- oh god, there's a fire. We can't get out-"

"Sam, calm down I'm almost there. Call my fire department." Seeing as Dean was a firefighter that made it a hella lot easier. Deans voice was awfully calm but Sam knew, internally, Dean was freaking the fuck out.

"Jess, call the fire department- Jess?" He shot around trying to find his fiancé, "Jess?!" He forgot about dialing the number, finding Jess was his only motive.

"Sam!" He ran toward the bedroom and unfortunately Jess was surrounded by flames, "I went to get the phone-"

"It's okay- it's gonna be okay." Sam was mainly saying that for himself but it seemed to calm Jess down as well, he looked up in time to see the ceiling collapsing so he jumped out of the way. Only further from Jess.

"SAM!" Dean burst through the front door, not caring if he got burned, "I'm sorry- we gotta go!" He yanked his little brother out of the small home, no matter how much he fought, right as it blew up, sending them stumbling to the ground.

"Jess- she- Jess," Sam whimpered as Dean hugged him, both sitting on the ground-

"Sam!" He shook his head and focused on Deans face, "you okay there? You were out of it for a couple minutes."

"Oh- uh, yeah, I'm good." Sam looked to his side seeing Gabriel stretching, "What time is it?"

"It is-" Cas pulled out his phone after he was done stretching, "one forty-five."

"Ugh." Sam groaned, he met Deans eyes and it was almost like he knew, exactly, what he was thinking about.

"I'm sorry, Sam." Dean whispered while Cas and Gabe were talking.

"Dean, it's not your fault. You saved me that night." Sam sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah but I couldn't save Jess."

"Dean, I swear to god, don't blame yourself for Jess." Sam looked back to Gabriel, a smile hinting his features, "Because I would've never met Gabe."

"Ew that's sappy and gross," Gabriel chimed in a fake look of disgust crossing his features.

"Oh shut up!"

"Did I tell you guys what Sam said the night we first had sex?" Gabriel smiled slightly.

"No. Do we even want to know?" Cas propped his arms on the bed, resting his head on them afterward.

"He said and I quote, 'that was a nice fuck, you have deserved a tragic back story.' And I was like, excuse me? What. And he told me tragic back story."

"That's- you said that?" Dean looked to Sam and sheepishly smiled.

"I had to tell him my tragicness one way so-"

"But you don't do that after sex! Your first time especially-"

"Okay, Dean, they don't need a lecture on how to have sex just stop-" Cas placed Deans arms down as the nurse came in.

"I'm here to release, Samuel Winchester?"

"Me." Sam raised his hand. Dean had to sign a few papers but sooner enough it was done and over with, everyone was ecstatic they finally got to leave.

"I hate hospitals." Dean grumbled as he and Sam got into the front seats, the Novaks taking the back.


"Welcome to Bobby's humble abode." Dean chuckled as he opened the door.

It was a nice two story house, kitchen straight to the left and a living room to the right. He'd finally gotten a flat screen TV in the living room, along with an Xbox One for Sam.

"Don't play Mario Kart with Sam unless you wanna get your ass kicked." Dean said instantly.

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