29 | Blur

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Hagami walked almost blindly to the borders of the Land of Fire but she kept a stoic face, especially when she confronted Tobi. The only notable thing that Tobi took into consideration was the slight squint in her eyes. The two greeted with no words, partially because Hagami didn't respond to anything Tobi asked her as they walked through the forest. However, Hagami quickly processed any information Tobi had given her: for the first thing, he wasn't an official member, he was merely the one pulling the strings from the shadows though he referred it to "tidying up things behind the scenes".

It took a total of two days to reach the nearest Akatsuki base. Tobi had given her very specific instructions on how to enter and become a member of the Akatsuki. A man with fiery, orange hair would be waiting inside for her too as the huge stone that blocked the entrance to the hideout rose just high enough for her to walk through. The light was soon cut off once she was inside. Located quite a ways back, near the opposite wall to the huge stone stood three members, one of which she recognized. Her pace, however, remained the same and she used their chakra signatures to guide her to where the three were lined up. She stopped a meter away just to keep a safe distance.

"My name is Uchiha Hagami, otherwise known as Hagami of the Black Lotus." She broke the silence monotonously, she shoved her emotions down too keep her gaze level with the orange haired male.

"A black lotus? Interesting choice. The petals of a black lotus are said to be a sign of death and misfortune for the flower had already wilted." The orange hair male spoke monotonously too. "And I see you've already cut your ties with the Village." He was referring to her hitai-ate. "You'll need this," he began again and she heard the shuffling of clothing in the background.

A few seconds later, she felt the fabric of something soft against her arm. She resisted flinching against it and her hands gingerly touched the fabric. She could only make out the splotches of red here and that they were outlined in white. Other than that, the silhouette of it was hard to make out against the dark atmosphere. He continued, "You've attacked your Village on your own and made it out with minimal injury, and you've turned on your Clan. You challenged them in destroying Konohagakure and then made an exit when their numbers fell low. Hagami, you're no longer Uchiha Hagami of the Uchiha Clan or of Konohagakure. You're now Uchiha Hagami of the Akatsuki. Welcome."

Another thing was handed to her. It was a steel ring with a stone in the center. It fit her middle finger perfectly. But what it said was none of her concern so she ignored that. Her eyes flitted up to the male again, her eyes now demanding a name. The silent demand seemed to register in his mind too,

"My name is Pein, I'm the Leader of the Akatsuki." He responded looking into her dull onyx eyes. "I'm sure you already know Orochimaru. And man to my left is Biwa Jūzō. You will be paired up with him starting today as well."

"I'm aware of who Orochimaru is," her eyes shot a sharp glare at the Rogue nin though he wasn't fazed the least. "As for Jūzō, you were one of the Seven Ninja Swordsman weren't you?" She asked glancing at him next. Her eyes could make out his figure, but facial features couldn't be seen very clearly. The markings lining his mouth vertically and the scar on his right cheek were the only things she could make out clearly.

"Ah," he responded bluntly. His eyes squinted against he dark light trying to get a better image of Hagami. Her features were still calm but seemingly sharp at the moment. Her eyes were narrowed more than normal and were partially hidden behind the bangs that were parted in the center. Her skin was pale, anyone could see that, and free from any scars. From a farther view, she was seen as thin and just beginning to gain a womanly figure. "How old are you?" He asked and his eyes shot back to her face.

"Fourteen, fifteen soon." She responded in a calm voice and she began fiddling with the cloak that she was given. Her hands quickly found the front of it and she quickly unzipped it. When it was open, she swung it around her body, the bottom of the cloak trailing somewhat behind. Slowly, it closed around her figure, shutting off her black shirt and dark grey pants-her normal attire people saw her wear in Konohagakure-and now donning her as a member of the Akatsuki. She put her arms through the sleeves, the fabric sliding up her her when she lifted them. Before zipping it closed, she took her hitai-ate in her hands, glancing at her reflection. A second later, she whisked it away beneath the cloak and around the thin, white sash that went over her black shirt to hold it down if she was fighting. She zipped her cloak up, leaving a small amount open so her arm could rest there if she chose to.

The Story of Hagami [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now