Chapter 1

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Of course, the feeling of security faded once the dragon carried you off.

One moment you were sitting back in your little raft and the next you were flying at a dizzying speed high up above the rapidly shrinking island. For a moment you went rigid with shock, then you collapsed into screaming, clutching at the scaly claw wrapped around your arm. You'd never had reason to be scared of heights before, since most of your life was spent on the ground or the sea. The closest you had gotten to flying, that you could remember at least, was when you hiked to the top of Mount Frey, leaning over the edge of the cliff. Even that made your stomach feel as if it would drop out of your body. But this, in comparison? Mount Frey's peak against a dragon's wings? This was insane.

Gulping down breaths of the thinning air and going silent for a second, you stared up at the creature that was carrying you. It was hard to describe, since its scaly figure was silhouetted by the noon sun, but from what little you could see, you could tell that the dragon was colored inky black with indigo highlights. Its back was lined in razor sharp spikes trailing down its back. From what books on dragons that you had read, you thought you recognized it as a Skrill, a rare and almost extinct dragon breed. They were known to be vicious and untrainable, and there was a cold feeling in the pit of your stomach as you gazed up at it. It's beautiful, I suppose, you thought, and then screaming took over again.

However horrible you were feeling, your fear doubled as you and the dragon were jerked out of your arc into the sky. Instead of climbing straight up you were thrown to the side and tumbled around in midair, the world so blurry that you couldn't see the reason of your change of flight. The dragon screeched and you were suddenly falling, falling, falling, with no semblance of control. Your lungs were spent from screaming, but the Skrill's grating screams were more than you could take. You looked around wildly, one hand over your right ear, the left one bleeding profusely. The fear and dread in your gut were unbearable. How high had you gotten before the dragon started falling? How much would it hurt when you hit the ground, or worse, the water? The world was blurry and muddled, and you closed your eyes, trying to sort colors and movement between thought and speech.

Just as quickly as the fall had started, it stopped, the change of directions snapping your head forward quickly, as quick as fire. Your vision swam even more and you moaned, your already blurry vision now tinged with black. Your senses were dull from the whiplash. You could barely make out a thin mesh pressed up against your face and the dragon. The change of directions had apparently affected the Skrill as well, and you both lay dazed on the net that had conveniently caught you...

You sat up, struggling against the dizziness. Your ears rang and your head buzzed. You looked around groggily, feeling at your left ear and grimacing when it came away red. You vaguely made out the figures of more dragons holding up the net, with... Riders? Were they people from the island you had almost made it to?? If so, why would they capture a Skrill? You couldn't tell what was real and what was dramatized, your thoughts were so muddled.

There had been rumors of rogue dragon trappers still operating after the fall of Drago Bloodvist... had you been captured?

All you could think as you collapsed back onto the net was Just great. Kidnapped twice in 10 minutes.

<3 Moony

It's a little short, I know, but it takes off eventually. Thanks so so much for reading!

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