Chapter 6

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"Hey, are you all right there?" he asked you. You hastily wiped your mouth, trying to get rid of all traces of vomit. Glancing back over your shoulder, you peeked at the girl and sighed. She had flown over to the side of the Hideous Zippleback, talking in low tones with the two people on its back. I just end up flying from one bad situation to another, you thought, resigned. You decided that you could at least try to be normal until the world came crashing down at your feet again.

"Yeah, just a little freaked out, I mean, it's not every day you get kidnapped by dragon trappers." He let out a small laugh that made you swallow hard and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "Yeah, I guess you don't," Hiccup said, looking off into the distance, his grin fading. You sat silently for a moment and just watched his emerald eyes flit back and forth, seemingly searching for something across the horizon. Clearly snapping himself out of his thoughts, he looked back at you, wiping the frown off his face with expert speed. "So you tamed a Skrill, huh? How'd that happen?" You told him about your ordeal, leaving out why you were alone on a boat in the first place and the conversation with the girl. That reminds you...

"Who's your rescue party?" you asked casually, tucking a stray strand of (h/c) hair behind your ear. "I don't think you introduced me to them."

Hiccup sat up straighter, a tinge of pink across his cheeks. "Where are my manners?" He pointed to each of the dragon riders fanned out in a V behind you. "That's Fishlegs, his dragon's name is Meatlug, Snotlout on Hookfang, Ruffnut and Tuffnut on Barf and Belch, and Astrid is over there on Stormfly. Sorry about not introducing them to you earlier."

You shook your head and smiled at him thoughtfully. He held your gaze for a second, then looked away, blush returning slightly. The two of you flew along in silence for a while, then he spoke again.

"What I really can't wrap my head around is why they would kidnap you."

You looked up, slightly startled. "Pardon?"

"Well," he replied, running his fingers through his hair, frustrated, "If they're dragon trappers it makes sense to kidnap a dragon, right?"

You rolled your eyes and gasped sarcastically. "Dragon trappers kidnapping dragons? I had no idea that was what they did!"

Hiccup looked at you with an exasperated sigh. "Really?"

You smiled cheekily. "Yup. Go on."

He continued, "Why would dragon trappers kidnap you, of all people? I mean, me, sure, and even Astrid is a good target. But why a random girl? Just because you're being carried by the dragon doesn't mean you're riding it. They would only kidnap you if--"

You broke in. "If they had something to gain from it."

Hiccup nodded slowly, cautious now. "Are you sure you don't remember anything from your past? Any reasons why people would be after you?"

Your thoughts jumped instantly to those blue eyes hovering over you, the last few seconds of your previous life.

"(y/n), come on, stay with me."

"(y/n) don't leave me, please."

"hold on..."

"(Y/N)! Don't you dare close those eyes, come on, please, I love"

You blinked. There was no way you could tell Hiccup about that. You swallowed hard, amazed at the memories from before. Apparently you had left someone behind. Well, the past is the past. Whoever those eyes belonged to, you were probably a million miles away from them right now and they probably weren't alive anymore. Better to let go.

"N-no," you stuttered in response to Hiccup's question. He sighed and turned away, thinking again. You glanced back at the girl, Astrid, and got a death glare in response. Something big was happening, here, you just didn't know what... or who...

<3 Moony

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