Chapter 4

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The men dropped to the ground, crying out in shock, and you took that opportunity to pick up the knife and finish sawing through the net, slipping through the slit you had made. You climbed through, taking your dagger with you, and were ready to run, but you stopped in your tracks, your guilt a steadfast anchor. A whine from the Skrill made you turn around. Studying it, you decided that the Skrill had saved your life before. You had to save it now.

"Don't worry, girl," you whispered. (you had decided that calling the Skrill "it" was too objectifying, and as you had little to no idea about Skrill anatomy, you guessed randomly and decided that the Skrill was a girl.) You picked up the nearest stone connected to the net and threw it over to the opposite side of the dragon. You worked your knife through the knots, shredding the rope where you couldn't get her limbs untangled. "I won't leave you."

A blast came again, accompanied by a wave of heat, and you looked up just in time to see a black silhouette swoop overhead, flanked by four others. You dropped to the ground and squinted, slowly identifying them as dragons. There was a Zippleback, a Deadly Nadder, a Gronckle, a Monstrous Nightmare, and... a...

The quintet swooped again, a high-pitched noise mounting its pitch, and then--

BOOM. A dragon trap near them went up in flames.

"Night Fury," you breathed, gaze following the black shape in the middle with awe. The Skrill beside you squeaked plaintively, reminding you where you were. You took up the knife again and resumed sawing, almost cutting your ring finger off because you were taking in your surroundings.

You seemed to be in a desolate icy wasteland, no rise or fall in the ruler-straight horizon for miles and miles. Dragon traps and tents were scattered throughout the area, the rest of it was filled with weaponry. Huge catapults and trebuchets loomed above the forges and armories. You slowly rose to your feet again, standing on your toes and trying to see as far as you could. As far as you could see, tents, traps, chained up dragons, and weapons of destruction covered the icefield. This was no small dragon trapping operation. This was a camp for war.

You glanced back at the man with the spear. He glared at you from about 10 meters away, obviously wanting to cross the open space to you but too afraid of the Night Fury to try. You grinned mockingly and flipped up your middle finger, then turned and worked the Skrill out of the net. She stretched out her wings and looked over at you as if to say Come on already. You smiled, liking her attitude. You ran over to her side, hesitant to mount the magnificent dragon. You stood there trying to figure out how to get on when the Night Fury let off one more blast and landed, smoke curling from its nostrils. The Skrill curled her tail around you protectively, growling. You noticed someone getting off the Night Fury, someone who could actually ride the formidable dragon.

A man dismounted smoothly from the dragon, approaching carefully with his hands out in front of him. He walked steadily on an iron peg leg, face shadowed with week old stubble. His emerald eyes were focused on the Skrill next to you. "Okay," he said, his voice a gravelly whisper. "Okay, step slowly away from the Skrill." You couldn't help but notice how messy his hair was. Your fingers itched to run a comb through it, just to see what would happen. You shook your head and replied, "She's not harmful or anything. I'm fine."

The man kept his eyes on the dragon. "Skrills are dangerous," he said in a low, calm voice. You scoffed. "Says the guy riding a Night Fury." He glanced at you, blinked, and looked back at the Skrill, a pink tinge on his cheeks. You had to fight the urge to smirk. You drew closer to the dragon, placing a hand on her wing. "She's not dangerous," you said firmly.

A war cry rang out and you spun to see the man with the spear charging towards you. Since the dragon riders had landed, there was no more threat from the sky, so he had gotten close enough that one lunge with his spear would end your life. The Night Fury rider shouted and made a move to intercept him, but he was too far away from you to get there in time. Quick as thought, before your actions had actually run through your head, you launched forwards, curled into a ball, and crashed into his legs. He toppled over, crying out in surprise. You quickly stood, kicked the spear out of his reach, and placed your knees on his biceps, sitting on him to pin him to the ground. You whipped your knife out and thrust it to his throat. A spark of respect in his blue eyes stayed your hand, admiration flitting across his rugged features. You spat on his cheek and glanced back at the dragon rider.

He stood with some kind of flaming sword in his hand, shock written over his face. He rubbed the back of his neck, lowering the sword and looking abashedly at the ground. "Um..." was all he could say. You rolled your eyes. "What should I do with him?" you asked, feeling the man twitch beneath you and moving your knee so that it was placed right above his crotch. "Move, and the groin gets it," you snarled, still looking at the dragon rider. The man froze and lay back on the ground, sighing in defeat.

The dragon rider cleared his throat, sheathing his sword and dusting off his hands. Glancing nervously at the Skrill next to him, he approached you. "I'm Hiccup, nice to meet you," he stammered. You stared down the man pinned to the ground. "Pleasure," you replied, not breaking the man's smoldering gaze, just daring him to move so you show him why no one ever messed with you. "(y/n)."

Hiccup awkwardly cleared his throat again, seeming hesitant to come closer to you. You rolled your eyes, turning around to look at him. "Oh come on, it's not like I bite or anything. I'm not going to--"

In a flash the dragon trapper freed his arms from your loosened grip and punched you across the jaw, catapulting you backwards and sending white sparks across your vision. You landed on your elbows, groaning and slowly getting to your feet. The Skrill shrieked and thrashed her spiked tail at your attacker. The Night Fury leaped onto him, roaring in his face and raising its wings. "WAIT, TOOTHLESS!" Hiccup shouted, waving his arms to get the dragon's attention. The Skrill paced around you, nudging you with her head to see if you were all right. "I'm okay, girl," you whispered, running a hand over her head. "(d/n)," you said, smiling. "That's your name. (d/n)." (d/n) purred and curled around you, letting her guard down now that the trapper was subdued. But the army wasn't.

<3 Moony
(d/n) is dragon name

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