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© Amber Kalkes 2014



“Nice to meet you, Natasha.” I say politely.

It’s the opposite of how I feel. I don’t like this woman and I want her gone. The lustful looks she’s shooting Kale are pissing me off. I clench my hands as I fight the urge to rip her head off and suck her body dry leaving her a dry husk. It’d be so easy.

“The feeling is mutual.” She says in a raspy Russian accent.

I don’t miss the double meaning.


“Ruby, why don’t you go out and feed while I have a chat with Natasha.” Kale suggests. His eyes flash with warning as he removes himself from me.

Natasha’s snake like hand coils around Kale’s arm. “Yes, a youngling like yourself needs all the sustenance they can get.”

Again, I don’t miss the jib.

I smile tightly, anyway. “Good idea.”

Turning on a heel I make my way out of the club biting my lip so hard I taste the metal of my own blood in my mouth. This shouldn’t be bothering me. He only pushed me away because Natasha is a danger to me. He doesn’t really want her. Does he? No. No he doesn’t.

Jesus, I sounded like a normal girl for a second there.

It’s just Kale, I reminded myself. He doesn’t even want you like that.

“I hope he screws her to death so we can call it a day.” I mumble to myself out loud.

“I’m not a fan of redheads.” Says a voice I know too well.

Kale comes out of nowhere with a pleased smirk on his face and blood on his chin. I wish I could say that it grossed me out but I’d be lying. Kale was always so controlled and poised that it was almost alluring to see the less civilized side of him. Even if all I saw was the aftermath.

“She didn’t taste very good either.” He informs me wiping his hands with a handkerchief staining it red. “Though she did leave a pretty corpse.”

I cleared my throat. “Good to know.”

Kale began walking toward me making me walk backwards in an alley beside the club. His dark eyes shined like a cat in the darkness. I could see him perfectly though everything was in black and white. I guess it was my night vision kicking in, yet another of those vampirism perks. He pinned me against the wall again, a favored position of his apparently, as his eyes trained themselves on my mouth.

Despite the tension, the biting and the blood sharing Kale and I had never kissed. It seemed less intimate then the biting but still an intoxicating idea. I had kissed Zack and it had been amazing. What would kissing be like with Kale? Would it be better? Of course it would be. My heart wanted Kale as much as my body did. All it wanted from Zack was his blood.

“Do you realize how near to insanity I am because of you?” he says huskily.

I gape like a fish. “N-No.”

His smirk reappears. “Well I am. You make me want things I shouldn’t. You make me want to break all the rules I’ve made for myself and simply take what I want.”

Well then.

“Then why don’t you?”

The smirk falls off and is replaced with a deadly serious expression. Something inside me dies at the change. I know it means he’s about to retract from me and give me some ridiculous notion about protecting me. Sure enough his next words nail the coffin over my heart closed.

Pun not intended.

“Because it’s for the best, Ruby.”

Frustration, anger, hurt, pain, and most of all disappointment sink into my already emotionally wrecked brain. It just couldn’t be simple could it? Nothing ever really could be. When I was human I was sick all the time convinced I would die. Now I’m immortal and in some sick love-hate relationship with my vampire tutor.

I wanted to rip out my hair at the unfairness of it all.

“Of course it is.” I snap. “Isn’t it always what’s best?”

I push Kale away from me and walk towards the end of the alley. Looking at him over my shoulder he looks as pained as I feel. Well it serves him right. He can’t keep tailing me along for his sick little game. I’m done.

“If the coven comes for me then let them come. If this is what eternity is going to be like I’d rather just call it a day. Don’t you think we’ve suffered enough?”

Kale looks horrified. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I’m done. Go away Kale and let me be.”

I will not cry.

I will not cry.

I will not cry.

“Ruby please.” He pleads as a warm bloody tear escapes my eye. “I can’t be away from you but you have to understand that I’m doing this for you. Everything I am doing and have done has been to keep you safe.”

I keep my back to him but I’m sure he can hear the tears in my voice.

“Then I’m doing this for you because I can’t let you wallow in this either.”

With those last words I walk into the night.

As soon as I’m sure he’s not behind me or lurking about I let my tears free. It doesn’t matter if I’m wasting blood anymore. I just want to cry because I just broke my own heart.

It’s not like I ever needed it anyway. 



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