chapter 19

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demi wasn't very happy with the fact that i had talked my way out of staying inpatient but the guilt card worked wonders. she hasn't come to see me since, and it's been four days, i don't know whether she's upset with me or whether she just doesn't want to see me. lillie has started chemo, they determined that she has acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which completely sucks.

'guess what?' annie said in an excited tone as i walked back into the room after my last session for the week

'what?' i asked, mocking her excited tone

'you can go home today'

'you both can' i threw my hands to my mouth as tears of joy rolled down my cheeks

'really?' annie nodded, i ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her

i looked at emrys, who still had a feeding tube in her nose, but everything else was gone. i was so excited, it's been four weeks since she was born, four weeks of sleeping on a couch, four weeks of being stuck in this hospital, i honestly do not remember how i did it three years ago.

'oh my god thank you so much annie, for everything, you've been amazing' she smiled at me

'i've never seen a mother as dedicated as you' annie said

'that little girl is going to be a very lucky one'

'thank you annie, so much'

'well miss, you are free to leave whenever you want, after you sign these papers' i quickly signed the papers, but soon realized that i had no idea who was taking us home. i handed the papers back and picked up emrys, annie handed me a bag

'feeding stuff, just in case she doesn't eat enough okay?' i nodded

'amelia told me to give you this one too, for you' she handed me a backpack

'demi said you still have your machine at home, so you'll just have to hook up your feeds to that and the backpack has a portable one too' i nodded

'okay, thank you' i put the backpack on my back and emrys's bag on my shoulder

'looks like you're all set' i hugged annie again.

i looked at the room once more and then walked out of it. i had to go to lillie's room and find out from demi how we were getting home. i took the elevator to the oncology floor

'could i please have lillian lovato's room number?'

'and you are?' the nurse at the station asked raising her eyebrow

'her sister, lyric lovato'

'oh, i am so sorry for her, go right ahead lyric, she's in number 7' i smiled at the nurse, i had met her once, when lillie was first diagnosed. i walked over to the room that had a seven on it, and walked in. demi turned her head towards the door

'what are you doing here?' demi asked

'i need you to take us home'

'she's allowed to go home?' i nodded. i then walked over to lillie and gave her a hug

'hi baby emmy' lillie said, smiling at emrys

'i can't take you home lyric' she looked towards lillie's iv pole, which i think meant that lillie was getting chemo

'well i don't want to spend another minute is this damn hospital' demi sighed

'dallas is at work, nick is at the studio, i don't have anyone to pick you both up' i rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. i got out my phone and called marissa

hey babe, what's up?

are you free?

yeah i am, you a little bored?

we've been discharged and demi won't leave the hospital to drop us at home

i'll be there in ten

you're a lifesaver

i walked back into the room

'we're going home, no thanks to you' i said grabbing demi's car keys

'you are not driving, you are not allowed'

'no, i'm not but i need to get the car seat out of the car' i walked out and bumped into amelia

'jesus christ you're everywhere' i said

'well, look at you miss, finally going home'

'are you on break' amelia nodded

'could you come with me please?' she nodded again. we got down to demi's car and i turned to amelia

'could you please hold her?' amelia happily nodded and i removed the capsule from the car seat base, placing it at amelia's feet. i then unhooked the car seat base and removed it from the car, placing it next to the capsule. marissa pulled up and parked next to demi's car, she got out and smiled at me

'good, you've got a car seat' marissa said picking up the car seat base and hooking it up, amelia handed emrys back to me

'i'll see you next week millie'

'see you next week baby, feel free to bring her in' she winked, i giggled. marissa picked up the capsule and connected it to the base, i leant over and placed emrys into it, buckling her up

'i have to run these keys back to demi' i said to marissa, she nodded and stood next to emrys. i gave amelia a hug before running the keys back up to demi.

'who is taking you home?'

'what do you care? i had to find someone' demi sighed

'you're being selfish lyric'

'oh, so now it's selfish to want a mother who's actually there for you?' demi opened her mouth

'save it demi, i'm done with this conversation and i'm done with you' i threw the keys onto demi's lap and walked back to the car

'ready to go?' marissa asked, i nodded and got into the car

'did mom call you?' marissa shook her head

'apparently jem and i need a babysitter and dallas works three days out of five and nick works all the time and maddie is going off to college soon, i really want you to do it mar' she smiled at me

'of course i'll do it baby' i smiled widely back at her

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