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Aarav... My husband

Aarav Nandha

The man who had the guts to endure my wrath and melt this snow-queen's heart. My mind reeled back to the day I met him which slapped a silly smile on my face.

I remembered my college days when I was popular for being stone hearted. Only my little gang of five knew my tender caring side and I was more than happy with that. I did not want anyone to know the orphan who longed for care and love.

No guy had the guts to approach me after seeing me break the limp of a creep who misbehaved with girls during my first year. In addition Abhi was there to scare away any boy who developed a crush on me. People saw me as a fierce unapologetic impulsive girl who had an ego taller than her 5'9" height.

But my Aarav was different. He saw through my facade. He found the broken girl who was lurking inside me. He turned every stone and moved several mountains to attain her trust. Eventually he won her heart and became the reason of her existence.

I turned the page to look at the most amusing picture I owned. There stood my Aarav, smiling like a lunatic holding a bunch of white roses in one hand and caressing his reddening cheek with the other.

"I love you Princess"

"Aarav!! I have told you thousand times to leave me alone and for God sake stop calling me Princess. It makes me want to pierce my eardrum!!"

"Then why are your cheeks turning red Princess? God... I never knew hate could do that. People may misunderstand that you are blushing"

My heart skipped a beat seeing him smirk. Fear consumed me as I realized that he was breaking the walls I built around me. So I did the stupidest thing possible.

I slapped him.

"See!! Hate can turn cheeks red" I said pointing the left side of his face with which I ran off. But his melodious laugh echoed through the corridors.

I never realized Abhi captured that moment. The picture which was initially a weapon to taunt me had now turned into one of my treasured memories.


Abhi was furious when he heard that Aarv was away on a buisness trip.

"How dare that imbecile leave you alone on your birthday"

His furious tone still rang in my ears.

"Prove that you really consider her as your Princess by cherishing her and taking care of her.

Promises me that she will remain as your first priority till the end of your pathetic life."

His final words to Aarav before his complete disappearance echoed in my mind.

He was the only person who knew my heart's language. In fact he knew me better than Aarav. His mom was the only mother figure I had in my life and Abhi himself appointed him as my personal dairy from the age of fifteen.

He promised to gift Aarav a broken nose during his surprise visit. The fact that he planned on visiting India again made me forget my drifting marriage life for a moment.

It brought immense excitement and fear at the same moment.

I'm going to meet my best friend after two long years but I'm sure I can't hide Aarav's growing ignorance towards me from Abhi. And I knew by heart that Abhi's rash response can't be changed by the fact that it was Aarav's hectic buisness schedule that kept us apart. I also knew that he could find out that I wasn't convinced with that reason too.

But still I refused to think of any other reason behind the growing distance between us.

My love for Aarav was strong and I wouldn't let my marriage fall apart for any reason.

When I gazed at our marriage photo glistening against the pure white wall I realized I was being silly thinking my marriage would fall apart.

In it was a bride in traditional red saree whacking the groom's head as he cradled her in his arms. Her eyebrows were linked in a frown aiming to convey a threat but the shy smile gave away her true feelings.

A laugh bubbled from behind me which made me turn around wide eyed. There stood Riya laughing at my red cheecks.

"Aww!! Is the lioness blushing on reminesing her big day"

"Shut up sis" I replied in a feeble voice.

"Never in my college days I believed you would spare a look at Aarav. But look at you!! Blushing just by seeing your husband's photograph.

Now I strongly suspect that if this stupid Aarav had used some kind of black magic to mesmerise you" she teased me further.

Riya is Aarav best friend from childhood, the person who held as much importance as me in his life. She was the complete opposite of me. The sweet innocent girl whom I tutored maths in high school, became the Cupid of my love life. She became my adopted sister with passining years and helped me cope with Abhi's disappearance by being there for me.

"Happy birthday sis!!" She squealed crushing me in her embrace.

"Thank you Ritzz. But where is Aarav? Don't tell me he is still on his buisness trip. It has been more than two weeks" anxiety was clear in my voice.

Immediately her joyous facial features changed into uncertainty.

"I don't know... I was not in contact with him" she turned towards the kitchen.

"What the hell Ritzz!! Your are his secretary. If anyone would, it's you who must be knowing his whereabouts"

"Really?? But I think his wife must be knowing that" her words were rude but true.

"Sorry... It's just work stress. I have to go... I have an important meeting" with that she stromed out of the house.

Hearing harsh word from such a sweet girl left me shocked. I realized that I have been ignoring important people of my life as Aarav started drifting apart.

I wanted to know what was wrong with Riya and what was the reason behind her outburst.

Is there another fight between Aarav and her? Is she really reacting like this due to work stress or is there some other emotional stress? My heart raced with different possibilities.

I decided to find it out by paying a vist to my husband's office. I wanted to be there for my Ritzz and was determined on bringing her back to her normal sweet self.

But never in my dreams I thought such a surprise to be waiting for me there. I never imagined my mended heart to be broken again, but this time into unmendable pieces.


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