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She was a weeping mess for the days that followed

She tried but she couldn't get the image of her love out of her mind. It tortured her in the form of memories during daytime followed by cruel nightmares stealing her sleep and sanity.

Chased by insecurities and unattainable dreams, she was slowly lossing herself to the dark abyss.

She felt like being trapped in a glass box and being compelled to watch the happenings of her life in which she had no say anymore.

Madness slowly etched its way into her mind and she was well aware of that. She knew her troubled mind would buy her a place in asylum soon and she didn't wish such a fate for her. This made her choose the easy way out and the sharp knife found its way into her hand.

Standing before the mirror, she looked at the coward staring back at her with lifeless orbs. She felt ashamed but couldn't stop herself from raising the silver knife to her thro...

The book was snatched from my hand before I could complete reading the climax.

"I have been calling you for five minutes, but you are so absorbed in this book that you can't hear me" mused an annoyed Arunthati. Being a book manic like me, Abhi rescued the book from his mother's hold and gazed at the page I was reading.

I watched as his excited face morphed into a mix of uncertainty and fear, as he raised him eyes from the book to my face. I couldn't hold my laughter anymore which was spilling out on thinking about his hedious assumptions.

Mom was watching us with an annoyed yet amused look while Abhi was still retaining his horrified expression.

"You baboon! I'm not a moron to end my life like this. Yes my life is a mess now, but that doesn't mean I would look for an easy way out. I'll clean this mess and get back to torturing your life."

"I still don't understand why this idiot looks like someone killed his dog on reading that book" said Arunthati, silently demanding me to explain.

"This genius thought I'm thinking on ending my life just because I was reading a book in which some stupid character does it" I explained still laughing at his idiocy.

"God!!" Mom said looking up as if threatening the Creator to listen to her complaints "All I asked you for was my children to have a good heart, but that doesn't mean I didn't expect them to have brain"

"Mom!!!" our embarrassed whine echoed in my room. "Stop it you two. It's 12.30 at night and you both are still fooling around without sleeping. Get back to bed and sleep" she exited the room with a frustrated sigh, mumbling something about we being kindergartners.

"She sure as hell has retained her scary teacher aura" exclaimed a wide eyed Abhi which I acknowledged with a small chuckle.

"But she's correct, we should get some sleep. So go to your room" he studied me for a minute. "And you too have managed to retain your acting ability"

"What are you blabbering Abhi?"

"When are you planning to let down this mask?" his soft query peeled away my smile.

"You haven't shed a drop of tear since you came back from hospital a month back. You don't talk about him or about the mess anymore. You act as if you are not the one being chased by problems."

"Shouldn't I be normal?"

"Normal!! You tell that you are normal? Then why are you always confined to these four walks? Why have you been denying his pleas to meet you? Why do keep yourself engaged at night's with books instead of sleeping?

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