Another chance??

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"I'm not taking any chances Mr.Roy. I need to check on all those listed documents before I decide on granting the approval.

And I'm travelling to my country on a personal note. So please contact my secretary, Ms.Alex for the next few days." A confident voice spoke on phone as the take off announcement was made by the pilot.

Switching off his mobile, he let out a sigh of relief. His new client was a pain and he was sure the next few days would be hell for his ever-impatient secretary.

Looking at his fellow passengers in business class, he felt disappointed for the millionth time on being trapped into the corporate society. He loved his profession, but always felt an undeniable void due to the obvious lack of true emotions. His professional world was a sturdy glass building, beautiful and too perfect but it was still artificial.


His longing for emotions was sure gonna be satisfied as he has accepted the invite to his close friends anniversary, but he wasn't sure if he would like that.

"Mr.Varun" the alluring voice of the airhostess brought him out of his internal monologue.

"Would you like to have anything?"

"A lemonade please"

Taking a sip from his too-sweet-to-his-liking lemonade he thought about his friends whom he would meet once he steps on his home country.

"It's going to be a disaster" he muttered under his breath.

It has been a long time since they have parted ways. Fate has thrown them in different parts of the world for them to cross paths. Even the over-developed technology hasn't helped them to be in contact, courtesy - their busy battle to gain an identity in this competitive world.

But now he would bet his whole bank balance that everyone would have stabilized their career. So this meet is gonna change everything. They would gain back their lost friendship and do their best to wreck each other's life.

He missed them. Their teasing, playful banter, frustrating tantrums, anger-filled arguments, silent supports, philosophical advices, fun-filled outings and love filled hearts.

Every person in his gang though being a smart mind proved to be a descendent of the lord of mischief in their college. The only person who kept them in check was Abhi and that ringmaster has literally threatened to end his life if he missed his anniversary party.

He was excited to meet his friends. He envisioned himself being engulfed in a bear hug by an emotional Tara, being punched on shoulder by the ever so cool Bennet, being lectured on dressing sense by the fashionista Samantha and his hair being ruffled by the skyscraper Karthik.

His heart skipped a beat while he thought of the other people.

No, he pulled back his mind from venturing into that locked space again. He promised not to torture himself with regrets and what ifs.

But it was too late again.

Her laugh was all he could hear and her eyes were all he could envision.

Mesmerizing black orbs...

Eyes fluttering close on their own accord, a rueful smile creeped its way onto his lip.

"You idiot!! Why did you miss the ball. It was an easy catch Varu..."

That was the first time she called him by his nickname and he felt as if he won World Championship while she was blasting her vocal cords, screaming at him for losing the match.

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