The fever ...

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Naruto 's PoV

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Naruto 's PoV

Her black eyes , her black hair , the strong wind around her , her facial structure and most importantly her ' proud ' attitude, why do all of these remind me of someone? Sasuke ? no , no more like Sakura ! No ! She is also somehow different..... What is this feeling that I get from her ? Hmmmmmm.......

" thud ! "

" Sarada! !!"chouchou  rushed towards the strange yet familiar girl as she collapsed on the ground .

" Is Sarada san all right? " Himawari innocently asked .

" look what you have done , you careless ' Hokage ' ! Agh ! " Boruto wined

And as for me , I just panicked, running to and fro in search of energy pills and drinks " and any other type of medication that I had the knowledge of , But by the time I had got one, the girl had already woken up !

" I am so sorry ummm ... Sarada . I should have known that my strong chakra would have overwhelmed you ! I am so sorry ! " I said as I passed the energy drink to the bedridden girl .

" Oh no ! Hokage Sama , you need not apologise ! It was not your fault ! " the girl politely answered .

I was confused , how was this not my fault ?

" Dad you're so clueless, she fainted because of her fever not because of you ' chakra ! ' " Boruto said reading my expression.

" Don't talk to the hokage like that ( shannaroo ! ) " the girl said punching my son in the face . Ouch ! that must have hurt !

" You should rest for a while and recover your energy.. you can join in with the group after sometime . " I said

The girl just quietly nodded

" And Sarada don't push yourself self too hard ! " Inojin said

" yeah ! You shouldn't had come when you had a fever ! " shikadai added and Sarada just silently agreed !

Boruto 's PoV

I don't know why but Sarada just looked beautiful..... Her Eyes appeared tender , her cheeks flushed in delicate pink , her hair in its silk glow and her feverish body just so vulnerable . It almost looked as if she ...she ....she was a girl ........

" oi Boruto don't space out ! " shikadai said ( or screamed) shattering my thoughts .

" Hurry up and get yourself here ! we're about to start the project ! " Inojin shouted As I followed .

We all gathered together in a circle , placed or rather dumped our things on the floor , laid our chart down and began our ' conference ' !

" So ... how shall we start ? " inojin asked the obvious

Everyone answered with silence......

" How about we organise all the sums in one flow chart ! " chouchou answered breaking the silence. "

Everyone ( even chouco ) clapped

"Ok then each us will do will two sums leaving one for Sarada . " Shikadai said

" yes sir ! " we answered and began what we do the worst !

Ok so let's see the first question .. Find X if ... What is an alphabet doing in maths ?

How am I supposed to solve this ?

We sat for hours and managed to only complete 3 sums . We finally reached the

Conclusion that even our collective minds couldn't compare to Sarada 's !

Hopeless we postponed the sums for later and focused on decorating our chart .

Meanwhile my dad called aunt Sakura to look after Sarada for her condition only seemed to grow worse .

Sakura ' s POV

I arrived at Naruto 's house a little early . When a patient is there waiting, a medic can't rest easy !

" Naruto! where is the girl ? Is she all right ? " I asked concerned

" Calm down Sakura.., she seems ok , but her fever just isn't going down ! "

"Take me to her! " I said and followed Naruto


So basically the ending means that in the next chapter Sakura meets her daughter! How cool is that !  Hope you liked it ! Please continue to read ! 


Thank you indrakanti and Soums 

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