Our daughter......

443 9 3

I sat in silence , shocked , as the impostor released his transformation jutsu , revealing his masked face

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I sat in silence , shocked , as the impostor released his transformation jutsu , revealing his masked face .  The plesent weather turned into a storm as the winds blew , targeting me and my baby girl .

" Leave us alone or it won't be good ! Y-you here...Leave us alone !   " I say trying to sound  brave 

But my words are unheard by  the masked figure as he continues to walk , motionlessly , towards the    cradle where my daughter slept  ...

" I ...wo..' nt .. give ...in ..without a f-fight ! g -go back ! " I say ,trembling, as the image of death flashes in my mind ..

The stranger turns in response , stares , and then laughs , indicating that my practiced words where meaningless and had had not effect on him .

" Just try and you'll see ! " He says with confidence , As if it were a warning .

" O-oh I-i will ! " I say as I do what I had said . I try moving but my body wouldn't respond...It had gone numb ..I ..I ...couldn't move ...

" If you haven't realised , you're weakened by ' child birth ' Mis Uchiha! " the stranger answers as he takes another step towards her ...and I ...I just sat there ..helpless...defenceless...paralysed ..try to comprehend my situation..

He 's ...he's...so.. near her..! ..he's ...he's ..he's going to kill her !  can't I do any thing ? ...am I this helpless ...Am ..I ..this ..weak ? ...help...Sasuke kun.....Karin....Naruto...anyone....just please save my daughter from him....my daughter...my little bean .... I think as tears spill out and quite cries escape my lips .

"Please ....please stop ...don't go any near ...stop ...no ...not any further...don't take my daughter away ...I beg you ....stop...please....." 

Move ...move ....move you stupid legs !  He 's very near ...just a take few steps and stop him ..stop him from taking your daughter...move ...move ...MOVE !!!

My legs respond to me for a fraction of a second , but that is sufficient, I quickly release my chakra towards the masked figure making a small bast , also ensuring that my power doesn't reach the baby .

" Whaam! " the sound of the explosion reaches my ears ...

Did it work ? Did I succeed? Is he away from her ? Is she safe ? Where is he now ? What should I do  next ?  Ho-

A small amount of smoke clears and the maked stranger emerges out , unharmed , my baby girl sleeping in his arms ....

I fall to ground on my knees as my face reflects horror. I turn pale , numb and helpless once again .....so it wasn't enough .....

" No ........no.......NO !!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed unable to do anything else

Sasuke 's POV ( yessssss! ) 

I hear someone scream , someone screaming in fear , the screams of someone in danger ....

Sakura....it's Sakura .! .. ....she ...she 's in danger .....she needs my help .....I need to go....

"Sakura...." I say thinking out loud 

" What is it Sasuke? What happened to Sakura? " Karin asks 

" Sakura...Sakura is in danger ..I ..I ..need to go..." I say 

" But Sasu-" 

I vanish , not giving Karin a chance to compete her words 

Immediately teleport t orochimaru 's hide out ! Naruto better have good excuses ! 

I reach the scene and it has not been more than 2 seconds when blood splatters across my face .............and not just any blood ' uchiha blood ' .......


So ...ummmmm.....I know that this chapter sucked....well I will try to improve ( that is if am capable of improving! ) anyway I hope you continue to read on 


AsiangamerLoL and Sandamini13g for commenting and voting ( thank you so much ) 

Hserpaw2007 And JhayLinguete for being wonderful readers 

My little sister ( thanks for editing)  and koms for being wonder companions 

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