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Ahhhhh July. Summertime! Supposed to be happy... right? Not for me because I'm currently laying in a bed that's on the other side of the country from my home. Well old home, my parents are getting a divorce and I'm staying with my mom. The guy she's with isn't my biological dad. I don't know my real one, and it hurts to know that there's a whole half of me that I don't know about. More family that I can love. I recently found out that I was named after my aunt. I have a kind of rare name and it's spelled differently than usual. I don't feel comfortable showing it just in case someone I know is reading this. I also found out the aunt is lesbian. Well I honestly have feelings for guys and girls (mostly guys) and when I say that I mean I'll see a cute girl/ guy and they will make me want to go up and exchange numbers, my family is Christian though so that would never be of approval. I'll explain more details of these feelings in other chapters. Sya - TOB

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