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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ MELANI HAD PLOPPED down on the bed, sighing out of relaxation. Kielce smacked her ass as he passed by. "What are you doing?"

"Let me take a quick nap first." She said, hugging the pillow close to her face as her eyes fell close.

Kielce shook his head at her inability to hang anymore. After watching the planes until they finished eating, they decided to go to the aquarium. They came back home to change clothes and maybe go to a club but by the looks of it, that was cancelled.

Kielce used the restroom, washed his hands, and came out the bathroom. He chanted Melani's name a couple of times and realized she was knocked out cold once her snores responded to him. "Wow." He dragged out saying and stared at her as she slept peacefully in one position and shook his head again.

He exchanged his current shirt for another one with a motivational quote on it. He did the same with his jeans, exchanging them for sweats instead. He clicked the closet light off and looked towards the bed. She was still knocked out. He decided to just remove her shoes from her feet and sat them in their place in the closet.

He left the room and went towards the kitchen where he could hear his phone ringing at a low volume. He lifted it up and an unknown number flashed across his screen. His business popped in his mind, but looking at the time, he doubted that. Hesitantly, he answered. "Hello?"

"H-Hi Kelton? No, no Kendrick. Oh my gosh." The familiar voice traveled through the speaker of his phone.

"Kielce." He chuckled. "What's up?"

"Kielce, yes! Th-that's it." Apryl hiccupped unthinkingly in his ear and he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could. . . help me. . out."

"What's the problem?"

"My sister took me out again, but totally ditched me for some nigga. I'm stranded and I may h-have had too many drinks." Kielce looked back at the bedroom door then faced back towards the appliances in the kitchen.

"Hmm wow so the only time you decide to call is when you need help?" Kielce joked, grabbing the keys to his car as he headed towards the front door.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just. . .you seemed like bad news." She slurred.  Kielce couldn't blame her for having the typical female thinking and besides he couldn't let her stay wherever she was stranded and drunk off her ass.

"Hmm well, just send me your location." He allowed her to reply okay before he hung up, locked the front door and climbed into his car, pushing the key into the ignition.

It wasn't long when her location came through as a message. He'd figured out they went to some nightclub deep in the heart of the city- somewhere a girl her age and under the influence shouldn't be in broad daylight let alone at this time of the night.

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