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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀AMOS HAD FINISHED the business needed to be handle when it came to Rico Garcia. Now, he decided, with the encouragement from Rico, to enjoy his stay in Monterrey with Vanessa as his tour guide. She wore a black tracksuit with red and white stripes running down the sides of it. Her tongue traced over the ice cream she enjoyed while gripping the cone in her palm tightly. Amos could see her actions in the corner of his eye but kept his attention forward as they walked, soon squinting the beaming sun ray's from destroying his vision. "How'ya liking it here?" She started conversation, cleaning the residue of the frozen custard from the rim of her lips, taking some of her lip gloss onto her tongue too.

He rubbed his hand down his face to over his head , the bristles of the wave pattern brushing his fingers. He nodded as his hands found their way to his chin. "It's real nice out here. I ain't ever been overseas so to be in Mexico. . .probably living some other nigga's dream right na'."

"Where you from?"

"Virginia, up close to New York sorta." She nodded, beginning to have a flashback of her younger life--far before getting in the midst of this fast life she lived now.

"Actually I'm from New Jersey. I was born here, Mexico, but my family had moved to the united states when I was very young."

"So why didn't you stay?" Amos asked in curiosity. They slowed their walking. Her face fell to watch the cracks of the sidewalk as his fell to watch her.

"Didn't have our green cards in time. We were deported back when I was. .maybe a tender age of thirteen. I'm twenty three now."

"When you meet Rico? And Carleo and Eron?"

"I met Rico when I was fifteen maybe." She paused to look up at him and bobbed her head. She combed her fingers through her hair, flipping it over to one side. "Then Eron five years ago, but as for Carleo, that's actually my brother. We have different papis."

Amos connected the dots and once glancing into her face, he could see the small resemblance in their 'T' section especially the freckles. He figured she might've met Rico through Carleo, somehow. "So, how you know Gyro?" She took the role of interrogating. He found it cute how her accent seeped through her words, he now understood other males fetish for foreign girls.

"Uh, in high school. We hated each other." He chuckled, reminiscing on the many fights they'd started with one another and met up after school hours but still on campus, tussling. "Then somehow we got into a conversation on some real shit and became niggas. Them niggas he hung around wasn't no good, they was usin' him as entertainment and he finally came to his senses and realized it."

They'd walked into an area of sidewalk sellers, booths set up on both sides of the road down the pathway for half a mile. People were huddled at each booth seem like except maybe one or two who weren't getting as much business. Amos took the lead in walking and went to one of the booths with fewer customers, overlooking at what they intended to sell. This stand had ponchos, christianity jewelry, and candles with photos of Jesus on the sides. What got Amos attention was that they did on-sight engravings into jewelry. He licked over his lips, touching the wings of both of his angel chains having a light bulb brighten his mind of an idea. "Hey, 'cuse me." He got the attention of the older man who's back was to him. Hearing a foreign voice, the man turned to him in a bit of a fright. It didn't help he was a tall, tattooed black man. Once seeing Vanessa accompanied by his side, his nerves eased.

"Could put names on these for me?" Amos asked of his ability, lifting the chains by his thumb. The man furrowed his thick, black with few grey hairs eyebrows in confusion. Vanessa looked between the two and spoke up, translating, "Puedes poner nombres en las cadenas con tu máquina?" The man had caught on, facing the necklaces that dangled from the young man's neck. He waved him closer by his hand and for a closer look at the angels. He squinted, twisting them from each side before nodding quickly, "Si si,ciento cincuenta dolares cada uno."

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