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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀LIL ZAY LEANED against Tatiana's Honda Civic as they stared at the building's double doors. Pooh stood by his side, holding her older brother's hand as her beads jingled from any slight movement. "Is she coming out?" He asked, becoming anxious to see his sister after so long. They were grateful to have had Tatiana around but of course,  all had missed her. Before he received an answer, the door was held open by a guard as Bebe exited with a brown paper bag in her hands and a book bag on her back.

She breathed in the fresh air, feeling somewhat renewed. To feel the sun gleam against her skin after seven days of being cooped up inside, only seeing the outside world from large windows. She chuckled some, fighting back any tears that welled up in her eyes out of joy. The sight of two out of seven of her siblings gave her butterflies as she outstretched her arms and ran to them. They returned the gesture, running up to meet her halfway and held her in a tight hug once reaching her. "Hey guys! I missed y'all so much! Pooh your hair is so pretty." She said all in one breath, holding onto them as if it was her last.

"I'm glad you're back." Lil' Zay mumbles against the side of her chest as his head rested there in his hug. He shut his eyes, clutching the back of her shirt as Pooh was between them, hugging around her waist. She caressed his cheek and hair while doing the same to Pooh with the other hand.

"I'm never leaving y'all again. I love you." Bebe reassured them before they all let go. Tatiana stood there with a close mouthed smile as they made eye contact. Bebe smiled back and extended her arms outward again, grabbing her into a hug. "Thank you so much! I owe you, like big time girl." Tatiana shook her head in disagreement.

"No you don't, I'm just glad you're okay. I'm proud of you."

"Sissy your hair!" Pooh had just noticed. Bebe turned to her and held out her hand to grab as the other player in her small, four b Afro. She'd taken the braids out while inside. Something made her want to embrace herself more and make changes, little by little. She really did feel those seven days has helped her mental health —from relating experiences with other patients, the group meetings, talks with her social workers, and even the quiet time to herself in her room. Of course there were a few ignorant nurses in there who treated them as if they were crazy, but nurse Madeline always took up for her. Something that didn't go unnoticed by her.

"Yeah, I took my braids out. You like it?" Pooh nodded confidently, which made her smile. She waved them towards her. "C'mon, let's get out of here. I'm ready to get the hell away from here." All four of them climbed into the car and soon Tatiana was off onto the road. Pooh and Lil' Zay talked in the backseat, here and there asking Bebe curious questions as she would catch her little sister staring at her every once and a while. It wasn't long before they got quiet again and nothing but the radio playing sounding through the car. It took a few minutes down the road for things to register with Bebe and her ask who was watching after the rest of her family.

Tatiana mentioned how Amos was still in town and there along with Gyro who'd been released from jail some days ago. She nodded, relaxing more now knowing trusted people were looking after her siblings and mom. "I'ma need to pick up my medicine and a few things from Walmart." Bebe blurted once noticing they were in the area of the nearby superstore. Tatiana nodded in understanding, making the needed adjustments in the road to get closer to her turn off.

"You really gonna' start taking the medicine?" Bebe shrugged, pinching at the baggy sweats pants she wore.

"It seemed it had kept me calm and level-headed while in there so why not. I'll take anything to not fall into that sunken place again." She additionally said. "I just can't do that again. I can't let them see me like that again." Pain was subtle in her voice as she thought back on that day, only imagining the anxiousness and fear that ran through her siblings bodies. She hated to be the reason of such pain caused upon them and she refused to be the cause again.

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