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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ KIELCE PRESSED HIS thumb on the button to end the call with Amos. He blew out a breath as he looked forward at the cabinets in front of him. There was a fumbling noise near the door so Kielce looked towards it before cautiously walking in the direction of it.

He peaked through the peephole and saw the back of the mailman as he walked off the doorstep, towards his running truck. Kielce unlocked and pulled the door open, lifting the mailbox flap up and grabbed the handful of sealed envelopes. He turned back into the house, fumbling through the mail and read the title of each.

Once back inside, Kielce shut the door behind himself as chuckling was heard from the two women found in his living room. He dropped the mail on the counter and looked to the side at the females; one being Melani while the other being a teenager by the name of Dejah whose hair Melani was doing.

"I can not believe her boyfriend gave her laxative! Oh my god." Melani laughed with her gut as she slipped the blow dryer's comb through the girl's hair. One side coils was still tight in an afro while the other side was pressed silky flat, laying over her shoulder.

"Us either. She stayed going to the bathroom! But I mean that's what she get for cheating on him. That boy was nothing but good to her, wish I could find one like that." Kielce heard Dejah say as he fixed himself a glass of iced water then grabbed a bowl, a handful of grapes and rinsed them off.

"You're a senior right?" Melani asked Dejah and the girl nodded, forgetting to keep her head still. Kielce grabbed a bag of sour cream and onion chips as he walked over to them. "I figured you two may be a little hungry." He insinuated, setting the bag down beside them on the table that sat there.

Melani looked up at him as Dejah glanced from the side at the chips. "Thanks." Mel said and he nodded, turning his attention to Dej. "Dej you need any water or juice or something?"

"No I'm fine. Thanks though."

"No problem. Your hair is coming out good too, by the way." He was sure to compliment, realizing that was good for Melani's business and clientele— compliments from a male perspective seem to make a difference especially in pay. She was sure to thank him before he drifted off into the back of the house with his water and bowl of grapes.

Kielce sat the bowl on top of the dresser as it made a clanking sound. He put the glass right beside it as he trailed into his closet, flipped the light on, and retrieved his suitcase from the top shelf. He groaned in the strain and sighed once sitting it on the floor, staring over the material. The night a couple of days back kept replaying in his head. It was as if his guilt was a band conductor, continuously operating the musicians to play the music sheet of his mistakes.

He gripped his forehead, rubbing it slowly. He threw his head back, leaning it on his neck as he fixated his attention to the ceiling. Why'd he let his penis think instead of his brain? Or were they working alongside each other at this point? He muttered stupid to himself about himself as he rolled the suitcase out. Kielce threw it over the bed and unzipped it quickly.

Even though he wanted to, he couldn't come to disagreement that the sex was good. From the clench of her muscles from tightness, the way light sweat glossed her small body to how her soft voice made sweet moans. The fact of her being young and it all being risky strangely gave him a rebellious thrill. He didn't feel he was old, not even in his midlife to be exact, but sleeping with Apryl took him back to when he was around her age. Around that age too, however, was when Melani was least convinced he actually loved or even cared about her.

Again, Kielce exhaled a sigh as he pulled the top drawer shelf out, grabbing ahold of a couple of underwear and pairs of socks. "Hey. What you doing?" Kielce looked up, startled to see Melani in the doorway with a comb in her hand. She looked over his face, at the dresser, and his suitcase on the bed. "I was just coming up to get some grease."

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