Videos and Panic Attacks ( Roman x reader)

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This is a request from @CherishNalley

Romans pov

Me, Thomas and the other sides were all filming a video.A knock was heard at the door Logan went to answer the door as we all kept filming.I blushed as (y/n) walked through the door she was beautiful and there was no way she would fall for me like I have for her."Oh you guys are filming, I'll come back later" She said turning to leave."No,(y/n) how about you join us"Thomas asked."Oh, no that's not a good idea" she said her breathing was starting to get unsteady but it looks like I am the only one who noticed."Oh, come on (y/n) it can be fun" Thomas said smiling at her.She just shook her head backing herself against the wall near to me sliding down it putting her head on her knees.Everyone kept looking at each other and (y/n)."She's having a Panic Attack you idiots" Virgil said gesturing for me to go over to her and help her.I walked over to her and gestured everyone else out of the room.

"(y/n), look at me" I said kneeling down to her level.She shooked her head keeping her head on her knees.I sighed and sat in front of her."(y/n) please at least look at me, I just want to help you in this time of need." I said."R-really" I heard say as she picked her head from her knees to look at me."Yeah of course (y/n) you are beautiful" I said immediately regretting admitting that to her."Really, Roman can I tell you something" she asked looking at the ground."Sure" I said starting to get nervous as what she wanted to tell me."Roman, I like you" she said looking everywhere but my eyes."I like you too" I said a smile forming on my face."Yeah, I know just not in the same way" She said standing walking to the door."Like what" I asked confused at what she meant."Like more than a friend or best friend, like a lover" she said looking towards the door not daring to look at me.

There was the silence that killed us both since we are both energetic loud people."(y/n).."I started."Roman if you don't like me like that I completely understand, I just needed to get it off my chest it's been eating me up for a while." she said opening the door.I ran up to the door slamming it closed."Roman, what are you doing" forward she said looking me in the eyes for the first time that day."I'm letting my heart do what it wants"I said said leaning forward."What does that mean"(y/n) asked leaning forward as well."I have no clue, but I learned it from one of the boys or was it a movie," I said and I started to ramble on and on.All of a sudden I felt a pair of lips on mine.Before I could kiss back she pulled away."What was that for ?" I asked tilting my head like a lost puppy."You were rambling on and on, I'm sorry" she said looking at the floor.I put two fingers under her chin lifting her head up so her eyes met mine."Don't be sorry for that, love, I have a question" I said looking her in her beautiful (e/c) eyes."Yeah, go ahead" she said tilting her head to the side."(y/n) will be mine ? " I asked kepping my eyes locked with hers." yeah of course Roman." she said with a smile.We soon kissed again and it was going to be like that for the rest of eternity.


Hey beautiful babe.I hope you enjoyed this request which was from @CherishNalley.Keep requesting.Rember I am acceoting requests for Anxious!Sides.

Thats all for now.

Stay Beautiful !

Peace !

616 words.



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