Chap 2: I never...

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Nititasolna POV

Why did he have to show up here!? He shouldn't even be here! Not now. I'm too far ahead in my life!

I washed my face as I thought back to Dave. He wasn't supposed to be here. I told myself I couldn't, NO that I wouldn't let him get close again.

Dave POV

Me and shorty need to have a talk about how she introducing me. I want it to say Daddy Dave POV You know to capture the true essence of Dave.

Nigga if you don't start ya damn POV!

My bad ma shit... but I been thinking bout shorty with the long name.. she was.. beautiful.. long legs, curly hair, fat ass, witty, smart, damn she was perfect. She reminded me of someone. I can't remember her name but she was memorable somewhat. But back to baby. It's going on 2 and her coworker said 3:45 so Ima go head and get dressed for her. I didn't have Kai today like I thought I would. Wish me luck

I walked to get job with a bouquet of flowers. Specifically lillies bc she looked like a lily type. I walked in and her hair was different. I still liked it. I could see her face better. It was braided in the front with a puff in the back and a rose in it to match her fit.

"Hey welcome in! What can I do for you?" She said with her head down.

" it?" She looked up with a smile that labored my breathing until it dropped.

"I never told you my name..or that I worked today" she sounded alarmed. Damn she on the run or something?

"Well I asked about you and-"

"Dave correct? Hold that thought" she told me and walked away.?

"Yeah ma" I replied

"Have a nice day" she told the only customer as they left the store.

When the door closed I wished I didn't say too much.


"Yes Nitita?"

"You told Mr. Dave my name and that I was working today?" She said it so calmly but it was to hide how pissed she was from me.

"well I thought you could use a date... that's why you asked right? To take her on a date?" She asked me.

"Yeah ma I just wanna take you on a date."

"Tabby please go in the back and be productive before I fire you." Tabby scurried to the back in fear of her job.

"Look ma I didn't mean to make you mad I just thought you were beautiful and wanted to see if you'd let me take you out" I admitted.

"Look East-"

Hold on wtf she just say

"Did you just call me East?"

"No I said Dave." She lying. I know what I heard.

"No you just called me East. Only one person knows that about me...this can't be.. Santia .. this you? You spend the summer with me, get pregnant, then up and leave? What the hell Santi!? I was in love with you! I looked for you for 2 years! What happened for you to just up and leave me like that?"I yelled.

She jumped and her eyes began to water.

"Where's my kid?"


"SANTI!! Where is my kid?"

"They are with my sister."

"They? What? Where?" I was shook because she said they but hid it by knitting my eyebrows together

"I'll bring you to them. Just promise you won't take them away from me. Please Dave?" She grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eyes.

"Santi I couldn't do that to you. Just take me to them."

"Okay" was all she said.

"Tabby lock up." She yelled and received an okay in reply.

20 minutes later.

"Babies?!" She sang in a high pitched opera voice.


I heard two voices and 4 feet run towards us. She bent down to hug them.

"Who's this mommy?"

"Well you guys always ask about your daddy and this is him. Go talk to him."

I couldn't move because I was looking my self in the face for the second and third time today. They looked just like me in the exact same way Kai looks like me. Eyebrows, low chinky eyes, wide smile. Damn. I bent down and sat on the floor. Real niggas don't cry but I broke down like a lil bitch.

"Tu papá está llorando ir abrazarlo y decirle que lo amas y le das besos" she said to them in Spanish kissing their cheeks.

They ran towards me and I couldn't help but to open my arms. I missed 3 years of their lives. I wouldn't miss any more not if I had anything to do with it. I can't believe Santia kept them from me for all these years. But no matter how angry I was before, I couldn't be mad now. I just want to thank her for them.

Question: how do you add gifs to the chapters?

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