Chap 3: Twins!

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Dave's POV

I was pissed at Santi but then I wasn't. She gave me twins. TWINS! I love them already. My daughters. And dead ass she a real one. She pushed two of my three big headed kids out with no medicine.

My babies. So well spoken for being three year olds. They both were my spitting image but they had different pieces of me and Santi.

My first born Adonis J'Leigh. That's my baby girl. Spicy as could be just like her momma. Stubborn as hell. Eye rolls and all at only 3 years old. She was so open to me. Long black curly hair and hazel eyes with long eye lashes to compliment. She been in my arms since I got here. Lord she got me wrapped around her finger already and it ain't been 5 hours.

My lil mama Marisol Kae'Leigh. She was like Santi as well being feisty but like me in being quiet and shy. She had a firecracker personality when she warmed up to you. Also like me as well as her momma. She was definitely going to be my right hand. And although she was quiet whenever Adonis got outta hand she was on her. And she was very vocal. If she didn't like it, no if ands or buts about it. She had a hazel eye and a blue eye. With long black curls like Adonis. It still shocks me when Marisol looks at me and grabs my beard and puts our foreheads together. I didn't expect her to be the affectionate one.

Santi told me it was time for their nap, so I asked if I could put them down and she agreed. I picked them up in my arms and sat in the chair in their room.

"I promise today forward, you will know me and I will know you. I promise to protect you both from harm and little boys.." I recieved a giggle from the door way but ignored it. For now.

"..I promise I'm going to make you the happiest 4 girls in the world no matter what." I kissed Adonis's forehead and went to kiss Marisol's but noticed she was on my stomach. That's weird.

"That's how they were in my stomach. Adonis high up on my lungs and Marisol down on my stomach. I couldn't eat or breathe." She giggled and I smiled.

I put them in their respective cribs after three tries. Although I spent 6 hours with them I still couldn't tell them apart with their eyes closed.

"Why did you say 4 girls?"

"Kairi my third born. Adonis my first. Marisol my second. And you."

"Dave I'm-"
I cut her off because that ain't what I wanna hear right now.

"Why you leave?"


"If you huh you can hear me Santi. Why you leave me? I looked all over for you. The night I made love to you I was going to ask you to stay with me in Harlem. So we could be together. But you left. Why?"

"I left because I knew we weren't ready f-"

"You knew me better than anyone. You knew I would've taken care of you and the girls. Next excuse."

"Dave I didn't know if I wanted them-"

"What you mean you didn't know if you wanted my babies?! You didn't want to be the mother of my seeds? You didn't want a part of m-"

"NO DAVID! I DIDN'T! I did at first but then I changed my mind."


"Because David you cheated on me. And I didn't want a reminder of the pain."

"Stop lying I ain't never-"

"David please cut the bullshit. I know you cheated on me I know who it was with and I know when, where, and how it happened."

"Well I wanna hear this shit."

I sat at the table and waited. She just looked at me. Hands interlocked under her nose peering into my soul.

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