Summer's POV We were in the cafe and I decided to get my frappuccino. I go to the Starbucks and then I come back to the girls arguing with the guys. T- What do you mean. We're stupid. I think that's you Z- You shouldn't have kicked us S- Ok I'm sorry to intrude but I'm so lost B- The boys were making fun of us. So we kicked them and now they are mad at us S- Ok carry on I just sit down and watch them while drinking my frappuccino. L- So Summer are we right or them S- Uh I wasn't paying attention. But I'm gonna go with the girls just because there smarter than you. It's scientifically proven Z-Oh who cares about your science He throws a spoon at Tomika but she dodges it but then it hits a random girl. JS- OW Z- I am so sorry JS- I'll show you sorry (kicks him) T- Thank you JS- Your very welcome T- Name JS- Jasmine Huerta Freddy Spits out his water on me. S- OH COME ON F- Why do you have the same last name as me JS- I don't know S- Ok are we just going to avoid the fact. That asshole just spit water on to me. F- Ok explain Jasmine if that is even your name JS- Uh why are you questioning my god damn name F- Just explain JS- Uh well I only live with my Dad. He says my mother died. I guess. Oh and I'm originally from Austin. Your turn F- Uh I live with my mom. She says that my dad died and I'm originally from Austin as well S- Are you two that stupid. I mean come on. It's clearly that you two are siblings and your mom and Dad. Got a divorce and lied to you F- There is no way she is my sister JS- You know. Your very self absorbed. I mean who has 7 pictures of themselves in their wallet (shows him wallet) F- How did you get that JS- Uh I stole it and I took $20 out. Here you go (hands him wallet) Girls- You were saying F- Ok we have some similarities but K- But what. Same skin tone, almost same eye color, and her hair is brunette while. Yours is dirty blonde. S- Jasmine give me your phone JS- Ok (gives her phone) I call her dad. S- Hi this is Summer Hathaway a great friend of Jasmine's and I want you to talk to my dear friend. JD- Uh sure I put him on speaker phone. I give Freddy the phone. F- Uh Hi this Freddy Huerta JS- Daddy can you explain. Why this asshole has the same last name as me. JD- Uh I'll be at the school in 2 hours. (Hangs up) S- Problem solved except. Give my your phone Fredward F- Thats not my name (hands phone over) I call his mom. She picks up S- Hi Ms.Huerta. This is Summer Hathaway FM- Uh Hi are you his girlfriend S- No. It's an emergency Freddy was just ran over and we need you now FM- Im on my way (hangs up) F- YOU JUST LIED TO MY MOTHER S- No I didn't. I'm not your girlfriend F- (starts shaking me) NOT THAT. ABOUT ME GETTING RUN OVERand you could be my girlfriend run day S- And when that day comes. I'll be in a cemetery. Buried in the ground. While you will be in your own little dream world JS- Hold up. Our parents are gonna meet up in the same place. While meeting you people S- Correct JS- That's just great B- So we're just gonna stay here till they come S- Yes All- UGH S- Fine bitches go upstairs and I'll tell you when they come but never ask anything from me again. Assholes Girls- Damn ok we'll stay Boys- We're gonna go S- Ok but just remember. I'm in the same dorm as you. I'll get my revenge and let's just say. Your future wife will be disappointed because something is not gonna be there. It could be either your brain or your dick. So go The boys just look at me in fear. F- Ok fine we'll stay S- Good choice *30 minutes later* T&B- Im so bored H- You know what will make you less bored B- Staying away from you S- BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP. IM TRYING TO FOCUS H- On S- Doing a staring contest with Kenzie F- Wait (kisses my cheek) S- AAHHH I kick him and slap him S- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU (Tackles him) K- You lost FM- (walks in) Freddy what's going on. I thought you were ran over. Not being tackled by a blonde. I get off of him S- Hi Ms.Huerta. I'm Summer Hathaway FM- Oh the girl who called me and lied to me and then tackles my son. S- Listen I'm sorry for bothering and lieing to you but your son. Is a nightmare F- WHO ARE YOU TO TALK JS- Hi. Mrs.Huerta FM-(eyes widen) Jasmine S- KNEW IT They all look at me. I just shrug JS- Wait you know me JD- JASMINE JS- Dad explain FM- Ok fine. We'll both explain. We divorced when you were really young and we're sorry that we lied. But your brother and sister JS- Why him of all people. It had to be him. I would of even been happier if my brother was a homeless guy of the street. F- RUDE JS- Well I have my reasons. Your rude to the girls especially Summer, your a Fuckboy, and your self absorbed. Let's not forget the fact. That your sexist. S- I have never been so proud and I only met your today F- I have reasons to be rude to her S- Why F- YOU THREATEN ME AND HIT ME WITH A BOOK S- It's because you were an Ass. I stand by my choices. What if I was an Ass to you F- YOU ARE S- Well excuse me for just trying to even out the playing field. FM- Ok stop this argument. Summer. I'm sorry S- It's not your fault. It's his JD- And Jasmine don't speak so rudely about your brother JS- Dad. Summer is right he is a nightmare. All I said was true. Including the part about him being sexist. He doesn't give one damn about a girl's personality or their standing point in the world. All he cares about is how dumb they are to date his dumbass and their body. So I am agreeing with her. A girl I literally just met today. S- Aww we are already Best Friends T- Uh I'm sorry for intruding but we got to get to class FM- Well I gotta go. Bye Fredrick and Bye Jasmine JD- Bye Kids They both leave. S- Well this was a fun day. Also can we skip gym. J- Yes S- Zack give me the key. B- We're coming with you Me and the girls go upstairs. To the guys dorm S- Ok Tomika do you have the itching powder T- Locked in Loaded We each grab a box of itching powder and pour it on each of their beds. How will they like us now. Oh wait they won't JS- What do I do S- Your gonna help me with revenge on Fredward JS- Yes I grab her hand and we head to his room. JS- What are we gonna do S- Destroy all of his hair products JS- Awesome We head to his bathroom and I open one of the drawers. I scream JS- What is it S- HOW MANY CONDOMS DOES THIS GUY NEED JS- I guess we'll burn those too We grabbed a pan. That we lit on fire. We start putting the condoms and hair products in the fire and watch them burn. Once we finish. We throw the evidence out the window. We high five. Then we head back to the living room where all the girls are at. S- Tomika did you put the security cameras up in each of their bedrooms T- Ma'am yes ma'am S- We're set E- What did you guys yell earlier JS- We found out that Freddy Really is a Fuckboy S- He had a whole drawer full of condoms. Who has that We all start laughing and falling on the ground. Then the door opens. H- Why is there girls laughing on our living room floor. B- No reason F- Im gonna go fix my hair Me and Jasmine giggle. He goes to his room F- HATHAWAY He comes out furious. I stand up with my arms crossed. S- Yes F- WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY MIRROR AND HAIR PRODUCTS. S- Absolutely nothing F- DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME S- Fine. I blacked out your mirror with your sharpie. I also burned your hair products. In a pan. Oh wait I think I forgot something F- WHAT'S THAT S-I also burned all of your condoms. Your welcome. Also do you need a whole drawer full. That seems a little excessive.But don't worry I didn't harm any of your sex toys. F- (growls) IM GOING TO KILL YOU HATHAWAY S- So Who's your next slut (runs) F- (Chases her) THAT'S IT I run around the dorm. Until he tackled me to the floor. F- YOUR A BITCH S- Aww thank you. I love dogs. F- YOU ARE SO DEAD S- NO IM NOT. YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER MESSED WITH ME IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHEN I GO BIG. I GO BIG. NOW GET OFF OF ME JACKASS B-You guys are so cute S&F- FUCK YOU BABE K- She's not wrong. Your like a married couple S- LIKE I WOULD EVER EVEN GO ON A DATE. WITH THIS JACKASS FUCKBOY F- WATCH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH S- What are you gonna do slap me He slaps me and I knee him in the balls. He falls off Screaming. S- THATS WHAT YOU GET BITCH JS- Freddy I forgot to tell you. I was in on it too F- I HATE YOU TWO S- Nah you hate me but you just met her and she's your sibling. But Freddy I hate you too. So we're even. Z- Well you two stop fighting. S&F- SHUT IT KWAN F- YOU RUINED MY LIFE S- I HAD FUN DOING IT. ALSO IT'S JUST HAIR PRODUCTS AND A MIRROR. BOTH CAN BE REPLACED F- YOUR SO ANNOYING S- THANKS I GET LESSONS FROM YOU F- YOU WANT TO KNOW WHATS UGLY. IT'S YOU S- OH I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS A FUCKING MIRROR The girls just bust out laughing T- Summer you are a pure savage F- HATHAWAY YOU WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME S- YEA CAUSE IM GONNA KILL YOU IN YOUR FUCKING SLEEP. WITH THE GUN UNDER MY BED. F- IS THAT A THREAT S- NO IT'S A DAMN PROMISE They all fall out laughing. Assholes F- YOU KNOW WHAT I WISH I NEVER MET YOU S- I WISH I HAD NEVER SEEN YOUR UGLY SELF. GO TO ALL YOUR SLUTS AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. I run straight to bedroom. I'm staying in and I start trashing it. Who does he think he is. Jasmine walks in. JS- Summer look (looks up) AAAHH I start just throwing things and they were hitting her. JS- HELP. PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU T- JASMINE (walks in) S- GET THE FUCK OUT T- DAMN OK She leaves and I go out with her. Everyone looks at me scared. Except Freddy, he's just smirking. I go up and choke him against the wall. I just death stare at him. Z- Summer he's gonna die S- Isn't that a good thing. For everyone E- Your gonna go to jail S- Better than seeing him all day B- Summer drop him S- No thanks T- SUMMER DROP HIM I still just stand there looking at him suffer. The girls try to pry me off but it doesn't work. I'm not giving up. But then all 9 of them pull on me. I finally let go and he falls to the floor coughing. I just bend down and look at him. S- Next time. Don't mess with me or you will die. I walk out of the dorm and go to the music room. I decide to do a cover of Katy Perry's Rise Song⬇️
Then they all come in clapping except Fredrick. S- What do you guys want Z- Well we wanted to know if you're killing streak in over I just give him the death stare T- Anyway. We just wanted to know if you were ok S- Im absolutely not fine but thanks anyway and why do the boys suddenly care. TR- We have grown some respect for you because your pretty awesome and a good dorm mate. S- Ok then. Wait Babe please I'm begging you. I won't survive another 5 days B- Im sorry it was a dare H- Freddy. I'm already calling the cemetery. They might be able to book you in or else we'll bury you behind the school. F- No need. She doesn't have the guts to kill me B- Are you fucking kidding me. Dude she pinned you to a wall. Choking you and your eyes were rolling back to the back of your head. F- Nah. She will never do it He just pissed me off again S- DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TEST THAT THEORY. BECAUSE IM WILLING TO JS- Freddy her eyes are literally turning black. Just admit that she could kill you. There black T- I think it's time we leave. F- Nah. I think we should stay (smirking) S- OK THAT'S IT I run up and kick him in the balls and I choke him against the wall Girls- We warned you S- LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. GOT HUERTA I drop him and run to the dorm. I still have the key Zack got me. I go in and pick up my room. I decide to take a shower and maybe it will calm me down. *After Shower* I wrap the towel around me and leave. Then I spot a jackass in my room. S- HUERTA. GET OUT. NOW F- No thanks. I like the view He winks at me and I feel my eye start twitching S- How did you even get in here F- Bobby pin I roll my eyes and grab my pajamas and walk back to the bathroom. I change Summer's PJ's⬇️
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I put my hair into a ponytail and walk out. He is still here S- What the fuck are you still doing here Huerta F- Again I like the view S- BABE.SO HELP ME. IM GOING TO KILL TWO PEOPLE TONIGHT. I run out and straight to my dorm. I knock on the door and Babe finally opens it B- How can I help you S- I HATE YOU. That Fuckboy and jackass won't leave me alone. Please just let me stay here. I won't survive and neither will he B- Uh (Slams door)
A/n: I put alot of cussing in this and I'm sorry. Also sorry for the Fboy jokes. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and BYE😋