Chapter 1

18 2 7

A/N ~ Dani up there ^^^^

Daniella POV

I tried to break free, I tried my hardest but I couldn't...his grip was too tight.

His breath was hot and smelled like whiskey making me cringe at the thought of the alcohol.

Tears were streaming down my face as I knew in my bones that I was not going to see tomorrow. He held his hand over my mouth as he leaned in close to my ear and said "If you scream again, I'll go back to your house and kill everyone you love."

A scream escaped my lips, waking me up in a pool of my own sweat unable to breathe and trying to calm down. I hold tightly onto my chest with my hand as I feel the air go in and out of my lungs, causing me to slowly catch my breath again.

I look over at my clock and see it's 5:53 a.m. Close to the time I wake up.

After slowly making my way out of my now soaked bed, I strip my sheets once I'm up and walk them downstairs to the laundry room, throwing them in the washer. Running back up the stairs I head back to my room and into my bathroom. I start the shower, brush my teeth, strip, and jump in letting the warm water hit my skin. After doing everything I need too I turn off the shower and get out. After showering, I did my hair and makeup and got my outfit for the day, grabbing my white converse of course, and walked towards my door putting my free hand on the door knob. As always I take a deep breathe in... and out before turning my doorknob, putting a smile on my face and walking out.

"Morning Grandma" I say as I walk through the kitchen seeing my beautiful grandma sitting in her usual spot at the kitchen table.

"Good morning sunshine! How'd you sleep?" She says as she takes another bite of her cereal with a smile on her face.

I take a seat right next to her and start putting on my converse as I think back to my dream, nightmare really. His hands still felt like they were on my skin. The tears still stinging my eyes. I shuddered at the disturbing thought, causing me to shake my head to try to toss it from my memory. Looking back up at her with the same smile I always wear, I answer "It was great!"

"You sure because I saw that your sheets were all in the laundry?"

"Umm..yeah. Lucy came in early this morning and threw up on the bed."

"That darn cat!" My grandma says making me laugh at her little outburst. She's so cute.

Lucy is my cat, my grandma hates cats but she let me get one a few years ago for my 15th birthday. We have two pets, a cat and a dog. Lucy is an orange tabby, a fat one, but she is a very cute cat. The dogs name is Bella and she is a huge white labradoodle. She's big and fluffy and she loves me so much. Whenever I wake up screaming from a nightmare or I cry late at night, she always comes and sits right next to me and gives me kisses because she knows I'm sad. I love that damn dog so much.

My grandma says something to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Daniella, you won't have enough time to pick up everyone if you don't leave now." She says as I look over at the clock. 7:00 a.m.

"Bye grandma, love you" I say as I finish tying my laces and kiss her on the cheek.

I grab my car keys, my phone, and my bag and run out the door, popping the trunk I throw my bag and slam the trunk close. I get in the driver's seat, start the car, and back out of my driveway.

By picking everyone up my grandma meant my friends Becca, Leah, and Mackenzie. These girls aren't just my friends, they're my best friends.

Leah Moakley, she had beautiful medium length dark, almost black, hair, crystal blue eyes, and pale skin. She was funny and incredibly wise and all together an amazing friend. You could trust this girl with absolutely anything and she would never tell a soul. The only thing was that boys took her for granted, girls too. Boys, they would play with her heart and then break it like it was nothing. Girls, they would act like they would be her friend and get her to trust them, then turn around and stab her in the back. This really angered me because, Leah trusted too easily and for that she always got hurt. It made me mad to see her hurt because she was the type of person that just made you want to smile, even people like me, and to see someone try and break that made you just want to hurt that person. Hurt them pretty badly.

Mackenzie Jenkins, she had short blonde hair and piercing greenish-blue eyes. She was a petite girl but she was strong. Not strong physically, but mentally. She went through a lot of things growing up but she made it through. She is a very funny person and like me, she likes to dance, and since her aunt owns a dancing studio we go there sometimes just us and dance around for fun.

And last but not least Becca Healy. The goddess herself. Becca was the type of girl that all the girls was jealous of, wishing that they could be her, and all the guys wanted, desperately in fact. I mean take one look at her and you couldn't really blame them. She was funny, sexy, and everything anyone ever wanted to be. She was perfect, hell I was surprised she even wanted to be friends with me in the first place. The first time she talked to me was in 7th grade, and that's because all she saw was a project and she loved projects. I mean I did need some help though, at that age I was still shopping at Justice and was completely clueless when it came to color coordination. If you let me I would wear blue eyeshadow every single day, not really even knowing how to do makeup and I had never even touched a curling iron or a straightener in a day in my life up to that point. She showed me where to shop, how to blend my makeup properly, and helped me find my own style. She basically built me from the ground up.

Ever since then we've been best friends. Yes, she was a bitch sometimes but that was something I just naturally got over. I just mostly ignored her if she was in that mood, but if she went over the line then I would yell right back at her, I wasn't afraid of her. A lot of people may have been but I never really was. I was over at her house 24/7 that her mom was basically my mom because I practically lived there.

My friends were pretty great, sure we all have our moments but we all got over it. We had each other and all of us knew that.

Once we arrived in the school parking lot we went straight for our spot, and we knew it would be vacant because if it wasn't and someone stole our spot they would have to face the wrath of Beccs, I call her Beccs and so does everyone in our group. We all have our own nicknames for each other, like for example mine was Dani. My family and other random people at school usually call me Daniella, but they called me Dani. Leah was Lee, Mackenzie was Kenz, and Becca was Beccs. We all got out of the car heading straight for the trunk to get our bags. As I got my bag out I took a deep breath in smelling the dreaded scent of high school. It had only been about a week now as we had gotten back to school from summer break and it was already shitty. Sure we were seniors this year so that made things a bit better but still, school sucked either way if we were incoming freshman or returning upper-classmen. 

Lee slammed the trunk closed as we all began walking towards the main building where mostly everyone's lockers are and we all split up saying our goodbyes heading to our own lockers. When you walk into the building, in the front is basically a long straight hallway filled with different classes and lockers, and then almost reaching the end there is a sharp right turn that will lead you into another hallway. While Lee's and Beccs' lockers were in the front of the building, mine was around the turn down at the end of that hallway, while Kenz' was upstairs. I rush to my locker to get my stuff as the first bell rings causing everyone to start making their way to their classes. I get my Economics notebook, close my locker, and as I start walking to my class struggling to get my notebook in my bag I accidently run into a someone with rather familiar dark brown hair.

Dylan O'Brien.


Hey everyone!!! This is going to be my first real try at a book that I'm serious about so I hope you guys enjoy!!

I am going to try to figure out an updating schedule soon but for now it's just going to be random.

Thank you guys for reading!

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