Chapter 5

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Daniella POV

"Yeah grandma, it shouldn't take long. Maybe a couple hours but I should be home before dinner." I said loudly so that way she could hear it seeing that she was on speaker so I could have two hands on the wheel.

"Okay well just let me know sweetie, have fun." My grandma said as I turned the wheel slightly so I could park on the street in front of the house instead of parking in the driveway.

"I'll try" I muttered. "Okay I have to go, love you" Putting the car in park I turned off the ignition and picked up my phone.

"Love you too" She said sweetly, hanging up the phone. I stuff my phone in my bag that had a couple spanish books in it, replacing the phone with a big Spanish workbook I had with me.

Tossing the bag over my shoulder I took the keys and got out of the car, locking it behind me. I began walking to the front door, and while I walked I examined the house. It was a small one story house, but it was cute. The red bricks laid against each other, protecting the house. I noticed a couple of flowers planted throughout the path leading to the front porch, some daisies, some irises, some lillies. My eyes almost immediately found their way to one single red rose that was planted at the base of their porch, I thought it was weird how it was by itself but even though it was lonely, it was beautiful. The rose was in full bloom as the petals cascaded out, exposing the beautiful flower. Red roses were my favorite and to see this one made me smile.

After looking at the rose for a second I finished walking to the front door. After knocking a couple times I finally heard someone yell a "Come in".

Slowly opening up the door, I peeked my head inside to see if Dylan was near and when I didn't see him I made my way inside, shutting the door behind me. Slowly making my way around the tiny living room, I didn't see a sign of Dylan. I saw his jeep outside so I knew it had to be his voice that allowed me entry into his house.

"Hello? Dylan?" I yelled, it echoing throughout the house.

"Down here" He yelled back, his voice coming from behind a door at the end of the hallway to my left.

Walking down the hallway towards the door, I knock on the door before opening it to see a half naked Dylan O'Brien fiddling with something on the edge of his bed, his back turned to me. My eyes immediately darted to his wet hair and to the towel left lying on the floor by the dresser in the corner of the room, signaling he just got out of the shower. I notice I'm just awkwardly standing there so I clear my throat.

He turns around acknowledging me standing in his doorway, "Hey" is all he says before turning and walking back to his dresser.

" are you going to just waltz around your room in only boxers or...?" I speak confidently, causing him to turn around and look at me again, his eyes locking with mine.

"Or...what? Don't like what you see Daniella?" He says leaning up against his dresser, crossing his arms.

His words made me to let out a soft chuckle, mimicking him I walk a little bit into his room and put my back against the wall connecting the door of his room, crossing my arms too.

"What I see, is nothing I haven't seen before." I say shaking my head slightly.

"Oh come on, you and I both know you secretly do, admit it to yourself Daniella." Dylan says before slowly walking over to me. As he keeps getting closer and closer I feel my heartbeat start to pick up pace. When he finally reaches me he places his hands on the wall right above me, his eyes never leaving mine. My body starts to shake and I can literally feel my heart pounding in my chest. Too close. My brain kept saying the words over and over again. Too close. He's too close. Dani run he's way too close. Hurt him Dani! Hurt him, he's too close to you! My brain was now yelling at me while I felt my throat close up, cutting off oxygen. I couldn't breathe and it took everything in me not to punch, not to kick, and not to scream. I gently tried to calm my breathing, bringing me back to reality. I put my hands to his chest and softly push him away. I felt my pulse go back to normal and I raise the workbook I've had in my hand slightly.

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