Chapter 3

11 2 10

Luke up there ^^^

Dylan POV

"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG" Rings through my ears as people chant. My arms holding my weight up steadily on the keg with two other people holding my legs up, I swallow the last bit of beer down. I get down from my handstand position, allowing me to stand up, and I could hear people cheering.

No one could do a keg stand like I could though so I do see why they get all excited when they see me do it.

My friends come over and pat me on my shoulder saying "Good job" and "You're awesome dude!"

I mean I am pretty awesome though.

"Hey Dylan, come over here." My best friend Luke yells to me from across the very crowded room with two smoking hot blondes on each side of him.

I slowly make my way through the crowd towards him. "What's up man" I say to him when I finally reach him, giving him a bro hug.

"Bethany here-" He starts as he is interrupted by the blonde to his left. "It's Brittany" She says with a very annoyed expression on her face at Luke, causing me to chuckle.

"Oh, Sorry. Brittany here says that she loves to watch you play football." He said giving me a quick wink while pointing over to Brittany.

"Yeah, I just think it's so cool how you throw the ball and stuff." She said with a very sultry look on her face.

"Oh really? Well I-" I begin to say as some random kid in the background screams "HEY THE QUAD'S HERE!"

Luke and I snap our heads over to the front door as they walk in.

The Quad.

Becca, Leah, Mackenzie, and Danielle I think. Everyone called them the Quad because there was four of them and they were always together it seemed like. And Becca, well she was practically their leader, a fine one at that too.

Back in Sophomore year me and Becca both admitted we had feelings for each other, and let's just say that that didn't end well. But over the last two years she has just gotten hotter than ever. Sexier than ever. That just made me want her more.

"C'mon man" Luke said as he pulled me by my arm and away from the two blondes, leading me through the kitchen, and into the backyard. "Dude what's up?" Luke said suddenly with a confused look on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I answered back to his question.

"Becca, I thought you didn't like her anymore?"

"I don't"

"Oh really, then why were you looking at her like that?" He said with annoyance in his voice.

"Just because I don't like her doesn't mean I can't still look."I said flatly.

Luke rolled his eyes at me and walked away angrily. "What!" I yelled at him laughing. I smiled and shook my head, walking back into the kitchen to get me a drink. I grabbed myself a beer and walked back towards the living room where everybody was dancing. I stopped next to a girl in the doorway. I looked over to her realizing it was that Danielle girl who's in the Quad with Becca.

I smiled at the thought of Becca and said to her "Hey Danielle"

"Ah" she replied back quickly without turning her head to look over at me, her response leaving me confused.


"It's Daniell-ah, ends with an A not an E" She said emphasising the 'ah' part, with her eyes still focused on the crowd ahead of her.

"Oh sorry, well Daniell-ah, would you like something to drink?" I said after noticing she didn't have a drink in her hand.


"And why not?"

"Because I don't drink at parties"

"But it's a party. It's where you can drink as much as you want too you know?"

"Not my thing really, plus I'm driving. It's not safe to drink and drive you know." She mocked me, that's when she finally turned her head to reveal a smirk set on her face.

"Did you just mock me?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, you tell me Quarterback" She crossed her arms in front of her chest, and me being me, I mocked her right back crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Come on, one drink?" I asked her.

She walked up closer to me, with her chest now just inches away from mine.

"No thanks" She said as she lingered for a moment, eyes still staring back at mine before she walked away, she walked into the mass of people eventually finding her way to the other three in her group.

"Feisty, isn't she?" A voice spoke from behind me causing me to turn around to find out who it was.

It was Eric Oakley. Eric was a douchebag but I had to be civil with him seeing as he was the best Linebacker on the team. He walks up towards me as his eyes are focused on Daniella while she is dancing with the other girls.

"I like the feisty ones, don't you O'Brien?" He says as he slaps me on the shoulder, making me jump.

"What do you want Oakley?" I say as my eyes bore into his skull.

"I wanna make things interesting" He says with a psychotic smile on his face. "Daniella Seeton, the less known member of the Quad, she's known as quite a prude. I wonder what would happen if someone came and just messed all that up."

I paused for a moment to let his words sink in before I blurted out "The hell are you saying Oakley?" My eyes narrowed as I start to get bored with his pointless rant.

"I'm saying, what if someone tested the waters, to find out what she's actually like. I'm saying I want to propose to you a challenge. Daniella Seeton being the challenge."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"She's a goody-goody. I want you to destroy that. Three months. Three months to get in her pants.Three months to get her to fall for you. If she does then I'll pay you $1,000. If not, then... I guess I'll just have to deal with her myself."

"Wait why, why her... what makes her so special that you want to hurt her?" I say to him as he finally turns and looks at me dead in the eyes.

"Because she's the quiet good girl, and I hate good girls. And just think, hang out with her and you get to see Becca more. I see the way you look at her." He says to me with a smug look on his face.

I turn to walk away from Eric as he grabs my arm, glaring at me. He leaned in closer so only I could hear him. "You and I both know your family could use that money."

I clench my jaw tightly at his remark. He was right, the money couldn't hurt and he's made of it. I know it's wrong to mess with people's feelings, but when I think about my family all my head is saying is to take the deal. I glance over to Daniella, 'I'm so sorry' I say in my head to her as I turn back to face Eric.

"Deal or no deal?" He asked in a louder tone while slowly backing away from me dropping the grip he had on my arm.

I sigh as I look down to the floor.




So that just happened.

I hope you guys liked it and don't forget to comment and vote!

So today I got all of my hair chopped off, like I used to have really long hair and now it's just above my shoulders and it feels so free and I feel like a new person. So that is funnn!!

Love you <3

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