Chapter 2

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Dylan up there^^^

Daniella POV

Dylan O'Brien.

A beautiful man really.

Tall, very tall to me actually since I was only 5'5 and he must've been 5'10, 5'11 considering how he towered over me.

The way he was towering over me now, made me feel small. Like a tiny little insect he could just squash with his boots if he wanted too.

I grunted as my body accidently rammed into his dropping my book to the ground.

"Oh, I'm s-sorry." I stuttered. I know I have stutter, it's a habit I have.

"It's nothing." He shrugged it off and bent down to pick up my book, handing it to me and walking away. Before turning into his class he looked back at me before yelling "I'm sorry by the way, Econ sucks" I smirked at his remark before yelling back an I know.

I walked down the hallway through the doors onto the next building where my class was located, when I reached my class I walked to my seat, sat down and I quietly took out my book before writing down what was on the board. I felt the buzz of my phone in my jean pocket as I took it out and looked at the couple messages I received.


"Party at my place tonight at 9, don't forget to bring Becca..cause you know she's always down to party." Said this guy named Luke adding a winky face emoji at the end of it. He was known for the epic parties he threw almost every weekend. He was your typical rich jock, his parents were never home so he always brought people over to party, drink, smoke, and have sex with tons of random girls. Even though he was a jerk, his parties were always awesome though.

"We'll be there." I texted back knowing that that's what Becca already meant when she texted me before Luke. I put my phone away, putting it on Do Not Disturb before locking it. As my teacher started explaining today's lesson I let my minds wander onto my plans for later tonight. It was a Friday so it wouldn't matter if we got wasted or not. Technically it wouldn't matter if Leah, Kenz, or Becca got wasted tonight considering I was driving us to and from the party like I always do.

Look I'm not the safe one or the innocent one in the group that hates drinking or thinks that we shouldn't be doing it because we are underage. I do drink and I do like to party, but with me being the sober one I can keep an eye on my girls to make sure they are okay, and if the party we are at gets busted by the cops I can immediately get us out of there with no worry of me being able to drive or not.

Usually I'm the driver for school and party-related stuff but I'm not the only one capable of driving, I just choose too because it gives me a more comforted feeling. I felt like I needed to protect them, I don't know why I just felt the need to. Maybe because these girls were practically my sisters and I didn't want anything bad to happen to them. But Leah and Becca know how to drive, while Kenzie refuses to take her driver's test because she's and I quote 'too scared too'.

I mean I don't blame her, the guy that does the driver's test at the local DMV is a pretty scary dude to be honest.

Then out of nowhere my thoughts were interrupted as the bell rang, making me jump in my seat. As everyone began to walk out I rushed to put my things in my bag as I hurried out the door.


The day went by rather fast seeing as it was the first Friday of the school year. Meaning that this party was basically the 'Welcome back' party, that meaning that everyone was going to be there.

After school the girls and went and got some frozen yogurt and headed over to Becca's house.

Becca isn't rich, but her family does pretty well for themselves. She lives in a spacious, two story house with it's own screened in pool in the back.

After we pull in, we all jump out and head inside.

"Hey Mrs. H!" I say as we walk in greeted by her mom.

"Hey girls!" Mrs. Healy says as she gives all of us a hug. "Becca honey, your laundry is washed and in your room for you to fold."

"Thanks mom" Becca said as she climbed up the stairs, causing us to follow.

When we all get in her room we immediately jump onto her queen-sized bed laying down in complete comfort. Becca goes straight for her laundry, looking for an outfit later tonight and folding and putting away her clothes in the process.

"Ugh, can you guys get off your asses and look for an outfit for you guys?" She practically yelled at us while rolling her eyes in the process.

We all groaned as we were forced to make our way off her amazingly cozy bed. Kenzie made her way to Beccs' dresser where she plugged her phone in on the speaker that sat there. She put on Halsey's new album and we all sang along to the music and started dancing around the room to the beat. While we rummaged through her clothes we cracked jokes, one of them was a comment I made on probably the slutiest thing Becca owns in her closet which resulted in Leah rolled up on the floor dying of laughter.

After going through her closet a bit, I finally settled on a burnt orange top, tying the bottom, pairing it with high-waisted shorts, finishing the outfit with my white converse that I wore to school earlier today.

When everyone else is done I look over at the clock to see that it's 8:37 p.m.

It's going to take 30 minutes to get to Luke's house, and since we never arrived to parties on time we decided that since we were hungry we would just stop by a Taco Bell and get some food.

We all said goodbye to Becca's mom and went out to my car. Mrs. H was cool about us going to parties since she knew I never have or will drink and drive, and that I was responsible. She trusted me.

We went to the closest Taco Bell and got some nachos, drinks, and some of those cinnamon twists thingies. By the time we had finished it was 9:43 p.m.

We left and headed to the party, listening to some songs with major bass to put us in the party mood.

Once we arrived, the house was thumping and there were cars lining up and down the street. Best parts about his parties was that his family owned a lot of land so there wasn't another neighbor for miles. So that means it didn't matter how loud the music was, the cops were never called.

Even though everybody else had to go to the end of the line of the cars and walk like half a mile, we didn't. Since Luke had a little crush on Becca and we went to every single party he hosted he favorite us. He had an underground garage that was off limits to everyone because he and his father had their sports cars parked down there, and when Becca complained to him once that she didn't want to walk that far in heels he gave us access.

I entered the code into the gate that gave us entry into the garage. We parked and since the door that attached the garage in the house was blocked off we had to go back out the gate, and go through the front door of the house.

Once we got to the front yard, leading us towards the front door, my senses perked up as the strong scent of marijuana filled my lungs, and I saw couples basically having sex in the front yard, and it was only 10:30.

I rolled my eyes as we got closer to the door, while one single thought passed through my head.

'Here we go'


Chapter 2 is up!! I'm updating sooner than I thought but I love this story idea so I just keep writing.

Well I was at Target today and I picked up a random coke bottle and when I was drinking it I noticed the name on it was Daniella. How crazy is that?!?!

Anyways how do you guys like it so far, lemme know in the comments! And don't forget to vote too!

Love you guys!!

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