Chapter 4

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Becca ^^^

Daniella POV

The party on Friday went by rather quickly and before we all knew it it was 3:00 a.m. and I was driving a black out drunk Becca, a semi drunk Kenzie, and a cross faded Leah back to Becca's. After dragging everyone up the stairs, I put Becca and Leah in Becca's bed and brought Kenzie to the guest bedroom, which also had a queen sized bed. I slept with Kenzie while all of them seemed to pass out after touching the bed, I mean the night had been pretty tiring though so I got it.

After that me and the girls spent the rest of the weekend together and we all spent the night at Beccs' on Sunday and then later in the week on Wednesday so we all could get up and go to school the next morning. After getting some food on Thursday morning we went to school, saying our goodbyes as we all went our separate ways for most of the day. We didn't all have one class together besides seeing each other at lunch unfortunately, but I had second period with Becca and sixth period with Leah. So at least I wasn't alone all day.

The day slowly dragged by as sixth period, my favorite class, rolled around. It wasn't my favorite just because it had Leah in it, but because it was spanish and I was good at spanish. I understood it which made me fall in love with it. Plus my teacher favorited me, so when everyone had to take a pop quiz or do extra homework I helped him grade papers or just talk to him about his day or something, he was a really cool teacher to me at least.

"Hey Dani!" Lee said excitedly when she saw me walk into the room, walking to my seat right beside her.

"Having a good day Lee?" I asked chuckling at her light energy. Considering that this was the last class of the day she usually was tired and quiet and sometimes even took naps in the class. But today, today something was different.

"I'm having a great day actually!" She answered sounding happier than ever.

"What happened?"

"Well you know how Homecoming is in about two months?"

"Yeah..." I dragged, having the thought pass my mind made me cringe, I hate going to dances. Everyone's crammed in the gym so it's hot and sweaty and it tends to bring all the weirdos out to play. It's worse than going to a party in a college dorm. Plus there's the pressure of looking good and Homecoming Queen that made everyone get all flustered. I hated that.

"Well, three different guys asked me today!" She said her tone sounding lighter than ever. She was happy and I was happy for her but I just didn't want her to get her hopes up too much because that usually led to her getting heartbroken.

"Nice, wish I had that problem." I said with a smile on my face and a barely noticeable hint of sarcasm in my voice. I'm happy I was the less popular one of the group, that meant I could be left alone when I wanted to be and I never really had to deal with anybody elses problems but my own and the rest of the Quad. I didn't mind being alone or being single, I relished in it honestly.

"Don't worry, we'll find you a date before the dance." She said with a soft smile, putting her hand on my shoulder giving it a light squeeze before turning back to Mr. Martinez as he started to pass out our quiz for the day.

Soon enough everybody was chattering about their answers and how they thought they did on the quiz before the bell rang, dismissing everybody.

"Hey Dani you coming?" Leah said as she noticed I was slowly putting my stuff in my bag.

"Umm yeah, I just have to get Mr. Martinez to sign my form for the field trip. Go ahead and I'll meet you guys at the car." I responded shooing her to go ahead and leave. She gave me a quick nod and another soft smile before turning to exit the classroom.

As everybody was almost out of the classroom I saw Mr. M get out of his seat to go to the entryway to retrieve a student. "Mr. O'Brien can you come here a second" He yelled down the hallway.

I saw Dylan follow Mr. M back to his desk while I managed to find my field trip form in my mess of a book bag. I walked slowly over to them and I noticed Mr. Martinez give Dylan the test we took today already graded. I kind of stood awkwardly by as the two of them discussed, waiting for him to become free enough for him to sign my paper.

"This is the third quiz you took that you have failed, the way things are looking you are now failing my class Mr. O'Brien and it's only the beginning of the semester. You keep this up and I'll have to tell Coach to bench you until your grades come back up." Mr. Martinez said giving Dylan a very serious, almost angry, look.

"Please don't tell Coach, I need to be playing....I'm the quarterback, they can't win without me." He said in a half-yell half-whisper tone to the spanish teacher.

"Unless your grades come up there's nothing I can do."

"I just don't get foreign languages, I don't understand it." Dylan shook his head in an annoyed tone.

" could get a tutor" Mr. M paused before looking over to me, acknowledging my existence as I was quiet the whole time they were talking. "Daniella, you are in the tutoring program right?"

I looked at him wide-eyed, being caught by surprise. "Umm...yeah." I responded slowly.

"Good." He stopped looking at both me and Dylan before continuing. "You can help Mr. O'Brien not get benched. He needs tutoring for spanish, are you free to help him?"

"Umm.." I paused and looked over to the Quarterback, seeing that he was staring at me waiting for an answer. "Yeah, I'm free."

"Okay good, now that that's settled what do you need Daniella?" Mr. M said bringing my attention back to him. I had him sign my paper and walked out of the room saying a quiet thank you to him, with Dylan following me eventually catching up to my pace.

"'So...when are you free to study?" He said as his eyes were fixed on the empty hallway ahead of us. "I have practice until 5:30 so I can't until afterward."

"I have to drop my friends off anyways so that works"

"So your house or mine?" He stopped suddenly at his words causing me to realize we were already outside now standing next to the almost empty parking lot.

"Yours" I answered almost too quickly, hoping he didn't notice it.

"Okay." He said before turning to walk away.

"Wait" I stopped him "Don't I need your address?" I said.

"Oh yeah, give me your phone."

I unlocked my phone and gave it to him allowing him to put his contact info and his address in before giving it back to me.

"Meet me there at 5.45" He nodded and walked away heading towards the football field.

I walked towards my car and noticed that the girls were watching me and Dylan. When I reached my car Becca was the first one to say anything.

"What was that about?" She asked in a demanding-like tone, nodding to Dylan while he walked.

"Nothing, I have to tutor him for Spanish." I shrugged, walking to my door and unlocking the car, this caused Becca to just roll her eyes and dropped it right after.

See since Becca and Dylan had this thing a couple years ago he was basically off limits to anyone in her life, I already knew this so I just expected she trust me and think that I wouldn't try anything with him. At least I hoped she thought that.


So school starts tomorrow and I'm not ready.

I hate school so much, how do you guys feel about it?

I will work on my update schedule and tell you guys in the next chapter what it will be. I hope you guys are enjoying the story and I can't wait to continue it!

Love you!

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