2: it's always been you (part 1)

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time period: post-canon

summary: jeremy's brokenhearted because of his break-up with christine.

then jeremy heard a rumor that michael had talked to christine. and it's not a good rumor, either.

so jeremy is an idiot and believes the rumor.

and when he confronts michael, things turn into a mess pretty quickly.


jeremy ran out into the street. the rain was pouring down now - he could barely see his hand when he held it up in front of his face. he could also barely distinguish his own tears from the raindrops that were now accumulating on his face.


he looked back at michael's house. his best friend - former? jeremy didn't know anymore - was a ghost-like figure running towards him.

god, no, please, no, you hurt me... jeremy thought in circles, backing away further into the street, stepping into puddles on the shiny pavement.

"please, please, listen to me," michael said. he was sobbing, a complete and total mess, and jeremy's heart started to hurt...

no. he pulled back his emotions.

"what do you want?!!" jeremy snapped, his voice rising. great. now they were two idiots arguing in the middle of a storm.

lightning crackled somewhere in the sky, lighting up michael's face. his glasses were gone, tear streaks were dried on his face, and he was looking up at jeremy. he looked so upset, so hurt, so....

pathetic, a voice snapped in his head.

"please, please listen, it wasn't my fault, please hear me out," michael begged.

"why would you do that to me, michael? she's all that's ever mattered to me!" jeremy shouted over the thunder.

"i-i- all that ever mattered to you? what?!" michael's voice started rising and his tears became angrier. "what the hell am i to you, jeremy? who was your favorite person, huh? who put up with the squip and the whining about not being cool enough or popular enough? you know what i never understood, jeremy? i was NEVER ENOUGH FOR YOU!!!! i tried, and i tried. when we were children, i let you have my rare pokemon cards, i let you win at mario kart. i even came back after the squip incident where you fucking BROKE me. i came back and i saved you!" michael sobbed, his anger now morphing into pain. "why am i never enough for you? that's all i ever wanted to be..." the sobs were taking him over, until he was hunched over on himself.

part of jeremy wanted to wrap michael in a hug and comfort him, tell him the truth - that jeremy cared about michael so much, more than michael could ever know.

the other part of him started yelling.

"well, that makes sense. you were jealous. michael... you told christine to break up with me. you persuaded her to. you tried to get rid of the best thing that ever happened to me, and you succeeded. she's gone. are you happy now?!!!"

"I DIDN'T TELL CHRISTINE TO BREAK UP WITH YOU!!!" michael yelled, finally getting it out.

jeremy's anger subsided, like a tidal wave dying out. for a while, the only sounds were the rain, the thunder, and the occasional sob from michael.

"what? but christine told me..."

"it was jenna rolan," michael gasped, still getting his breathing under control. "jenna told christine that i told jenna all the reasons why christine should break up with you and i don't know why christine believed jenna but she did, i don't know why christine would break up with you, you're the most amazing person..." michael choked back a sob.

"how am i supposed to believe you?" jeremy pointed out, even as his head started to clear from the logical explaination.

"i don't know! just try, please. jeremy, we didn't build up twelve years of trust for nothing, please trust me now..."

"you must be holding something against me, though. i left you in that bathroom, i left you for christine, i left you for some popularity that didn't mean anything! so obviously you would do this to get me back," jeremy's anger was back, but it was tinged with guilt, and it was more directed at himself than at michael.

"why would i do that?!" michael shouted, and they were back to screaming in the rain.

"because i've been nothing but horrible to you, michael! i hurt you so bad, there's no way you forgave me, no way. so it makes complete sense! nobody's that kind, you're right, i completely broke you, but you still came back... why did you even come back!!!" jeremy yelled, his voice rising with confusion and pain.

"because i LOVE YOU, you idiot!" michael sobbed as thunder rang through the air, pain evident in his voice.

jeremy stiffened in surprise and turned to look at michael with wide eyes. lightning flashed up the sky, and michael's sobs had stopped, replaced by a hand over his mouth while silent tears fell.

they stood there in silence for no more than ten seconds, just looking at each other, jeremy trying to find a way to respond, and michael looking like he regretted his words. jeremy was in so much shock and the rain was pouring down so hard that he didn't notice michael's head turning slightly to their right and his eyes widening, much less the sound of a car somewhere close.

michael turned back to jeremy, fear written across his face, and jeremy noticed that too late.

it all happened so quickly. michael screeched, "jeremy!" and pounced on him, pushing him onto the sidewalk. jeremy felt himself hit the pavement, his legs splashing into a puddle. he felt the roar of a car behind him and he heard a sickening crack that went along with a shriek from his best friend.

then he heard the car stop, and he sat up, catching his breath from the impact, almost afraid to turn around and look at the scene behind him.

but he did anyway, and michael was sprawled across the ground, his leg twisted into an unfathomable position. pain filled jeremy in his whole body, and he ran over to the coughing boy on the ground, ignoring the driver who was crying and calling 911.

"jeremy..." michael gasped between coughs, and jeremy gently knelt next to michael, lifting up the boy's head and putting it in his lap, running his fingers through the dark hair.

"shh, shh, michael, i'm so sorry. michael..." jeremy quieted michael and gripped his hand. "stay awake for me, okay? stay awake, stay alive..."

michael's hand was jeremy's grip to reality as he kept thinking through michael's earlier words. jeremy found it was hard to deny the affection always rising up in him every time michael was mentioned, every time they touched, every time their faces were insanely close to one another and jeremy had thought about closing the gap....

jeremy sucked in a sharp breath as he came to a realization.

"is something wrong?" michael coughed, and jeremy could hear the ambulance getting closer.

"it's not christine," jeremy said, slightly shocked at himself. "it's you. it's you, it's always been you..."

michael looked confused and in pain and jeremy couldn't take it anymore, so he bent down and kissed michael's forehead, trying to explain without words.

michael's breaths were getting shallower and shorter, but he smiled at jeremy, that same toothy grin that jeremy had fallen in love with and hadn't even realized it until it was too late.

"michael, i love you. hang on, please. i-" jeremy's voice cracked as he choked back a sob. "i don't know what i would do without you." his voice had turned into a high whine as the ambulance quickly stopped near them.

soon, michael was swallowed up by emts. jeremy felt himself being dragged, and he let them pull him away, sobbing so harshly that he was totally limp.

someone was talking to him, but jeremy couldn't hear them. all he could say was, "he's going to be okay, right? please tell me he's going to be okay."

his vision went blurry, then black.


part 2 is finished and will be up soon :)

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