3: it's always been you (part 2)

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jeremy woke up in a hospital bed, an iv in his arm. the beeping of the heart monitor echoed across the room. he glanced around to see that there was no one in his room. outside the window, he could see that it had stopped raining, and the sun was shining brightly through the clouds.

how did i get here? he thought, slightly disoriented. then he remembered the fight, the rain, the car, and michael.

he gasped and pressed a little red call button immediately.

a nurse ran in and started to check his vitals. "good morning, mr. heere."

"please, just call me jeremy, and i need to know where my friend is," he demanded as the nurse took his blood pressure.

the nurse sighed and she wrote down a number as the cuff deflated. "what you need to do is relax, jeremy. you had a panic attack and passed out."

"so? it's not the first time-" jeremy started to say, but he shut his mouth. the nurse sighed and started to remove his iv. jeremy winced at the discomfort.

"can you at least tell me if my friend is okay? his name is michael mell."

the nurse gave jeremy a glance, and she saw the desperation on jeremy's face. "if you promise not to move and to drink this whole bottle of water - slowly - i will find out your friend's current state," she gave in, setting a bottle on jeremy's tray.

"i promise, thank you, thank you, thank you!" jeremy exclaimed, grabbing the bottle immediately.

"slowly," the nurse stressed as she walked out of the room.

the five minutes that jeremy was sitting and waiting for the nurse were some of the worst minutes of his life. his imagination ran wild, and he started to panic, knowing that his best friend might not even be alive.

his heart was racing and his head was spinning when the nurse finally arrived back in the room. about a third of the water bottle was gone, and she nodded in approval.

"so?" jeremy asked, trying to calm himself down.

the nurse smiled. "your friend is alive. you've got nothing to worry about."

jeremy visibly relaxed and got choked up in relief. "injuries?" he forced himself to ask.

"his leg is broken and there was some internal bleeding in his abdomen that the doctors performed emergency surgery on to fix. he's awake now. he'll be discharged in a day or two, and he'll have to learn to walk with crutches. don't worry, sweetie," the nurse reassured jeremy, handing him some tissues as he finally broke down in tears.

after a few minutes of jeremy's crying and constant thoughts of relief, he looked up to see the nurse watching him with a knowing look on her face.

"michael's... not just your friend, is he?" she observed.

jeremy blushed and looked down at his lap, a small smile forming on his face. "well, i hope we can become more," he admitted softly.

the nurse nodded in knowing and she motioned to the bottle of water. "if you finish that slowly in the next half hour, i'll let you go see him."

jeremy let out a giddy laugh as the nurse left. butterflies fluttered in his stomach and happiness bubbled up in his heart at the thought of seeing michael's warm eyes and bright smile again, especially after what could've been a complete tragedy. michael was safe.

i can't believe it took me so long to realize that this.... this is what love feels like.


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