4: music speaks louder than words

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time period: alternate universe - no squip

summary: michael is tired of pining. so he decides to serenade his crush.

notes: just a ton of fluff tbh
song - oceans by misterwives


"michael? what's going on?" jeremy asked as michael pulled him up the stairs, far from their usual hangout - the basement.

michael just let out a childish giggle, partly created by nerves. "i told you, i have to show you something."

jeremy was suddenly in michael's room as michael picked up his guitar.

"dude. it's been ages since you played that."

"that's what you think..." michael hummed as he tuned his guitar.

jeremy got tired of standing and he sat on the ground, leaning against the wooden frame of michael's bed. "what could be so interesting with a guitar, mikey?"

michael sent a dangerous glare in jeremy's direction, and jeremy held up his hands in surrender.

"bro, i promise i'm not saying music isn't interesting, i'm just wondering what's going on. what about this is going to be so mind-blowing that you pulled me up the stairs for it?" jeremy elaborated.

michael took a deep breath, calming his nerves. his guitar was finally tuned, which meant it was time. "well... i've had something i wanted to tell you, but... i couldn't figure out how to word it? and, um, they say music speaks louder than words, so..."

jeremy smiled slightly. "okay, man. take your time," he replied.

michael was internally freaking out. the song was pretty straightforward, which was good, because jeremy had a tendency to be pretty oblivious. hopefully, after this, he'd still have a best friend.

if not a boyfriend, a little hopeful voice piped up in the back of michael's mind. the voice was immediately silenced. it was simply easier to not hope.

how the hell am i supposed to do this? i guess i'll just dive right in.

so michael cleared his throat, sat next to jeremy, and began with the first few intro chords.

the wind-soft melody
sings to me so happily
when you're near me, everything is just so right

michael glanced at jeremy, who was developing a soft pink blush on his cheeks. michael's heart skipped a beat as he sang the next words.

when all seems so wrong
your love reminds me where we belong
you make my cloudy dark skies so bright

now, jeremy was smiling, really, really widely, and looking down at the ground. michael was playing the chords from muscle memory, unable to look away from the beautiful boy he was serenading.

so can we
stay forever-ever like this
and laugh and love in this happy bliss and as
time runs through our fingers this
love, this love will stay and linger so
hold me close and never, never let go and
promise to love it every high and low, these
words you are singing to
me, you are my everything
my everything

jeremy suddenly met michael's eyes, and michael had to struggle for the next breath before continuing with the song. those eyes could easily paralyze him.

you're my everything
my everything

suddenly, jeremy started to sing, and michael was silenced in shock. he knew the song? oh god.

the planets and stars
and venus and mars
no, they don't measure up to you
no, no

wow, jeremy could sing. michael's gay heart jumped to his throat as jeremy scooted closer to michael, and the former suddenly placed a hand on the latter's knee.

and nothing can compare
to you, this i swear
this life we've strung, let's
never, never undo

michael was pretty sure he was smiling as wide as jeremy was, if not wider, and blushing as hard as jeremy was, if not harder. they joined together for the chorus, jeremy easily taking the higher harmonies.

so can we
stay forever-ever like this
and laugh and love in this happy bliss and as
time runs through our fingers this
love, this love will stay and linger so
hold me close and never, never let go and
promise to love it every high and low, these
words you are singing to
me, you are my everything
my everything
you're my everything
my everything

jeremy's head was on michael's shoulder, and michael could hear his soft singing clearer than anything else. michael decided that if all he heard was jeremy singing for the rest of his life, he would be completely content.

so let's run with reckless emotion
let's find out if love is the size of the ocean and a
hundred ought to be too few words
to carry all my love for you
so let's run with reckless emotion
let's find out if love is the size of the
oceans, oceans
oceans, oceans

jeremy shifted to sit in front of michael and face him. their eyes were locked again as jeremy moved forward slightly, touching their foreheads. the gesture was so simple, but it sent a rush through michael. jeremy gently took the guitar from michael and set it aside. they sang the final chorus a cappella, softly and gently, plugging as much meaning as they could into it.

so can we
stay forever-ever like this
and just laugh and love in this happy bliss
as time runs through our fingers
this love will stay and linger
so would you hold me close and never let go
promise to love it every high and low
these words you are singing, oh
to me you are my, my everything
my everything

in the song, the singer went crazy with a ton of riffs, but jeremy and michael just sang it how it was sang at first. hopeful and loving and full of new beginnings.

the last word hung in the air. michael linked his fingers with jeremy's. the silence that followed was simple and said a thousand words.

"jeremy heere," michael finally breathed, his heart beating at a million miles an hour, his head rushing with a dizzy happiness.

"michael mell," jeremy replied, reaching his other hand up to tangle itself in michael's hair. michael moved his hand that wasn't holding jeremy's to rest on his waist.

and then the small gap between them was closed with a sweet kiss, the kind that everyone wishes their first kiss would be like. jeremy ended up in michael's lap, and michael kept trying to pull jeremy closer than what was physically possible.

when they finally had to pull away for air, neither of them could stop smiling.

"in other words, i love you, i adore you, you're my world, and you're going to be the death of me one day, i'm so lucky, god you look so beautiful right now-" michael suddenly blurted, cutting himself off. way too much information at once.

jeremy giggled, a legitimate giggle, and kissed michael's nose. michael melted. "i'm the lucky one. i love you, i love you, i love you. so goddamn much. it almost killed me when i finally came to my senses about it," jeremy admitted.

michael suddenly was showering jeremy with kisses, and jeremy was laughing adorably, which only urged michael on.

they eventually ended up in a tangled pile of limbs lying on the floor, just gazing at each other.

"can we just stay here forever? can i just look at you forever?" michael pleaded with either jeremy or the universe. he wasn't sure which. he wasn't even sure if there was a difference, honestly.

"that's so gay, dude," jeremy teased, and michael playfully punched him in the arm.

in response, jeremy snuggled into michael's chest.

the two boys were finally completely content.

little did they know that, ten years later, they would serenade each other with the same song at their wedding.

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