1: could we pretend that we're in love?

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time period: alternate universe - no squip

summary: jeremy got michael to sneak into a hotel with him after senior prom.

michael's nervous, but he can't resist.

notes: songfic; song: is there somewhere - halsey (i skipped some parts because i wanted to)
also, smoke alarms don't exist :)


you were dancing in your tube socks in our hotel room

michael couldn't believe it.

he was with his best friend and longtime crush, jeremy heere, after their senior prom.

and they were sneaking into a hotel.

"are you insane?!!" michael hissed as jeremy ducked behind the counter. there was no response.

it was two am, and the lobby was empty. jeremy had watched the front desk until the lady who had occupied it left, and now he was trying to find a room key. no - he had found one, and was now holding it up in success.

"you know you still need to activate it, right?" michael reminded jeremy, who looked at michael with an eyebrow raised and a playful smirk. the look made michael's heart flutter in anticipation.

"you underestimate me, michael mell," jeremy responded, his voice playful and lilting.

he hopped up and started typing stuff into the computer.

"what the hell are you doing, jeremy?!" michael whispered frantically.

suddenly, jeremy swiped the room key, then rolled over to where michael was hiding behind a plastic plant. "we're in."

michael gazed at jeremy in fear, wonder, and awe. "completely? seriously?"

"registered and everything. now c'mon," jeremy said, standing up. "let's go to our room."

he grabbed michael's hand and pulled him up, then started walking to the elevator.

michael stood, frozen. he was down for a lot of things, and he had broken the law before, but not like this. something about this just seemed wrong to him...

"michael? you coming, man?"

and then there was jeremy.

michael was really, really good at suppressing his feelings towards his best friend. he was sensitive and anxiety-ridden and had a fear of abandonment. but he often ignored his feelings until they came crashing down on him in waves. his crush on jeremy was no exception.

and it's just a crush, right? just a teeny, tiny, crush. you don't love him like that or anything.

but, god, jeremy looked good tonight. his curls had fallen loose from the gel and bobby pins christine had tried to pin them up with. he had on a blue tuxedo, the exact color of his eyes. and especially now, his eyes had this wild quality to them. free and reckless.

michael couldn't resist jeremy when he got like this. when he was freaking out (which was his usual state), he was absolutely adorable. but during those rare moments when jeremy was like this? he was a force to be reckoned with, and it was insanely hot - a total turn-on.

so, with a "sorry, dude, i'm coming," he followed jeremy to the elevator.

when they got inside, jeremy pushed some buttons, and then he promptly started talking about christine.

"damn, michael, it was so fun to hang out with christine tonight. i still can't believe she said yes when i asked her to the prom," jeremy gushed.

michael fought the urge to bang his own head against the wall, and instead, tried to be supportive. "yeah? so do you think you'll start dating soon?"

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