Resistance is Futile

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The Jupitian Prince was strapped to a plain, stainless steel chair. His hands and legs were tightly strapped by metal cuffs. He was now in a circular domed room with no doors, completely empty with strong lights all around the ceiling, focused on him. The huge mechanical helmet was still over his head, yet this time a thick cable was connected to the top of the helmet linking to the director's powerful mainframe in the other room, where PEIDB agents and the director could see through a curved glass wall.

The leaders of Secret Government Council were also there looking back at him through the one-sided mirror, but to their disappointment, the Jupitian was looking straight back at them.

Helmet or not, the Jupitian had senses beyond light-dependent sight. The Jupitian Prince's voice blared through the speakers in the mainframe room, "What do you want? I know you have destroyed the warship, but Mars must have seen it and they will come for you even if Jupiter doesn't! You have breached the Intergalactic Rules by holding me, an ambassador, prisoner and destroying another ship after the decree of the Intergalactic Council."

The PEIDB director laughed as he spoke, "What decree? You think PEIDB fears Mars? We have technology from the entire galaxy except Jupiter. We know the technology level of the rest of the galaxy. It was unfortunate that we do not have the fuel, or resources now to send our warships to Mars, or Mars would have been under PEIDB! We have long, drawn-up measures in the event of a Mars attack, since it is, after all, the nearest planet to us! Not to mention possibly the most inhabitable one."

The rest of the directors stared at the PEIDB director who noticed their glare and corrected, "WE would have taken up Mars as our headquarters and there would be no need to be hiding among the civilians."

Laughter blared through the speakers, "You think that Mars will be easily conquered? If you were just to show a sign of invasion, or attempt to breach the intergalactic harmony rule, every planet in the Milky Way would come after you! By then, even if you have the highest level of technology, you will not survive. We can easily block out the Sun's light to Earth, and your world will die."

PEIDB director laughed hysterically, "You think that they can? You think we have not anticipated a possible interplanetary invasion? Especially after your claims of our so-called mental insecurity? If we could easily knock out your warship with our arsenal, do you honestly believe that we do not have more to face an invasion?"

The Jupitian Prince laughed, "Easy? It took your entire arsenal to destroy one ship. Do you think Jupiter has only one of those? Do you think that the entire planet has only a handful of warships?"

The director's smirk was wiped off his face. Yet, quickly gaining his composure, he added, "Yet, we managed to take out one ship. And, unknown to you, we do have weapons in the hybridization process. And, since you are our guest, and unlikely to report back, I will play the role of the stupid villain and tell you that we have something coming up. And that something else is what will take down all your little ships! SEB and PEIDB have concocted the perfect technology to disable warships."

The Jupitian Prince did not respond. He tugged at the restraints.

Though powerful, he was still a boy, and his physical strength was still limited, especially after the energy drain to destroy the pool. The nap had helped, but was not sufficient. "And now, what are you going to do with me? Kill me? Dissect me like an animal for scientific purposes as you did the other ambassadors from the other planets?"

"No... you are far too valuable to be dissected, at least for the moment. We might mutilate you for a bit, but we won't let you die. We will exchange you for huge amounts of resources for our galactic conquest!"

"No... you... shall... not... I will not let... you," the Prince said, gritting his teeth as he pulled against the restraints that bound him. The Jupitian Prince's voice was filled with determination.

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