New Years

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It was New Years Eve and sally and ben decided to head down to the store, but first they had to looks like normal people....

Sallys POV

It was New Years Eve and ben and i wanted to see the city, so we called one of slendys best friends. She was a human with a lovely name, Janette. She is 5'1 and she loved to do celebrity  make up. We asked her to make us look like humans and damn was this girl good. I looked like a one of those popular girls at school that act likes whores. And she made ben look like jock. I dont know what that is but apparently ben knew and it involved, footballs? So when she was done, she gave us clothes and we headed to the city. Slendy told us to by some pigs blood and so buy wine, i mean we bought vodka too, but slendy wasnt the type for vodka, he was more of the "wine people" but oh well. We bought some clothes and a several glass bottles for jeff. He said something about cumming in bottles to give to girls that he doesnt like and put poison in his cum? I dont frankly understand the meaning of it, its blood lust not like their gonna fuck jeff when their dead. 

Ben " Babe what else do we need?"

"Well clockworks said she needed more parts for the computer shea building."

Ben "Anything else?"

"Oh and also condoms"

Ben " What for?"


Ben " What if i want you pregnant"

"Arent we too young"

Ben "Were already killers, like hell someones gonna wanna kill our child"

"You got a point, ok fine, lets go, i already feel like that guy on the right is following up"

Ben "Dont worry ill kill him"

So we got was rest of the things and started to head back, and i was right, the guy had been following us all the way home. When we got to the woods ben turned around and grabbed the guy the next, disappearing to the house with him. I walked home and met up with slendy, he was gonna look for jeff and so he took me home first and then looked for jeff. Benny was in the house taking the guys organs out, it was pretty exciting watcging the blood drip on the floor while smile dog licked it off. I licked my lips from the sight. Ben saw and gestured me to come eat. I ate his heart and drank some blood. It was really yummy. Come to think about it, this dude tasted so familiar. Then it hit me... he was my stalker......


HEY people, its been to long huh, well i updated and hope you like it, plz message me for more updates, i will be active so tell me when you would like the next update, but enjoy this update, see you guys later ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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