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Vanassa was very sad that Usnavi was leaving the Barrio. She wanted to see him one more time before moving day. She saw him packing up in the bodega. She opened the door and shyly walked in "Hey.. Umm I know how you will be gone and.. Umm I got you something."
Usnavi was half paying attention. He didn't look up from what he was doing
"A-are you doing anything tonight?" Vanessa asked trying to keep her cool

Usnavi nodded "Well I'm cleaning up so-"

"Done! We got a date!" Vanessa blurted out

"Okay.." Usnavi was confused

Vanessa took the bottle that she was holding out from behind her. "I got you a bottle of cold Champagne."

Usnavi looked up in awe "No! You went in got this!?" Usnavi took the bottle from her "umm.. I didn't think we have coffee cups or plastic cups.. I think- y-yah! Sonny has the cups-"

Vanessa smiled "we can drink from the bottle." There was a wave of awkward silence "Danelia told me what you did for me.. And umm thank you. How can I repay you for your kindness?"

Usnavi was picking at the cap of the bottle "yah! How do you get this gold shit off?" He asked having trouble opening the bottle

"Here. Usnavi, I can-"

"No no it's okay! I got it!" Usnavi insisted "You went to all this trouble to get us this bottle and-"

"And it's gonna be /okay/!" Vanessa said, anger built a strong force inside her

Usnavi looked at the floor and but the bottle in the counter "sorry it's been a long day.."

Again, another long pause.

Vanessa couldn't keep her thoughts to herself, so, she spoke her mind "Your better of just staying here!"

Usnavi looked up very very socked "What?"

"You know.. Use that money to fix up this place.." She said regretting the fact that she opened her mouth

Usnavi burst into laughed "Haha! Very funny."

Vanessa took that feeling back. She was going to make Usnavi stay one way or another "It's not like Sonny has roll models. And I'm just saying.. I think your vacation can wait!"

Usnavi was now growing angry "Vacation? Vanessa! You are leaving too! What are you trying to say?"

"You are leaving the Country and we are never /ever/ gonna see you again!" Vanessa held her hands to her sides and make fists.

"What are you trying to say? Vanessa.. I- I don't know why you are mad at me"

"I wish I was mad.." Usnavi's eyes went wide and Vanessa hung her head and tried to fight back tears. She failed "I'm just to late.." She said running out of the bodega.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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