Couple Moments 1

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(Funny Moments with the Gang)

You and Pony were partners for a social studies project. You had to make a poster about either hunters, gathers, or farmers. You went out the room to get a drink of water and left your boyfriend to decide what topic he wanted. You knew you'd make an A because you're both great at social studies.
"Aright, Love, I'm back." You say walking back into class.
"I already got the supplies." He says pushing your desks together.
"Right, so the poster. What are we?" You ask clasping your hands together.
"We. Are. Farmers. Bum ba bum bada bum bum bum."
You stared at him. Turned on your heel. Walked up the teacher. And asked to be excused again.

You were in the Curtis house waiting for your boyfriend, Darry, to come to bed. Pony was staying at a friends house and Soda was probably out dancing. You were gonna spend the night anyway but now you had the whole night to yourselves.
"Hey there, Angel..." he says walking into the bedroom. "Miss me-" he says in a seductive tone before tripping and crashing on the floor. You wanted to laugh but you held back because you'd feel bad if he would've gotten hurt.
"D-darry...?" You called holding back a gigle.
"ONE, TWO, THREE!" he shouts begining to do a set of push ups. It was too much. You exploded in a fit of laughter.
"You thought that was funny, huh, Sweerheart?" He asks getting up to sit on the bed.
"A little bit!" You say breathless from laughing so much.
You finally stopped giggling when you feel his lips on yours and he pushes your back down against the mattress again.

You were walking around with your boyfriend without really a set destination. You were just kinda talking. That is, until you heard a curse.
"Shit-!" Soda yelled as he tripped over a crack in the sidewalk.
"Oh my god, Baby, are you okay?!" You said crouching beside the hurt Soda and grabbing his hand.
"QUICK! CALL LIFE ALERT BECAUSE I'VE FALLEN FOR YOU!" He yelled clutching his knee, hiding the pain.
You narrowed your eyes. Stood up. And walked away.

You were waiting on Steve's shift to end so he could come inside the shop. You were getting so bored but that soon turned into hunger. You stepped out the store doors to yell at you boyfriend who working outside.
"Steeeeve!" You yelled walking over the hot cement to your boyfriend.
"What's wrong, Babygirl? You know I'm on the job right now." He asked slaming the hood of a car shut.
"Steve, Im hungry..."
"Then go eat you something. You just came from a whole building full of food."
"But you said I can't steal from your workplace anymore. I dont have any money on me. You have to give me some."
"Well then I guess you're gonna have to starve because i forgot my money clip at home."
"UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!" You throw your head back and let out a long exaggerated groan. You walk back to the doors when a thought comes to mind. "Steve!"
"What now Y/N?!"
"You got a lunch, don't you?"
"...You better not..." You slowly back up until you hit the glass door "I'm serious, Y/N." You reach to the side and open the door. Never breaking eye contact. "I'll buy you something later. I haven't eaten anything at all today." You slowly step into the store until only your head is peaking out at him. "Y/N!" You tucked your head inside and ran to the breakroom
"Girl, don't you dare! Ima come in there swinging!" He yelled running after you.

You were sick and on tons of medication. You wernt really in the girlfriend mood but your boyfriend came to see you anyways.
"How you feeling there, Pretty Girl?" He asks.
"Du-dude. TwoBit. Holy fuck. Dude. Babe. Come-come-co-come here, TwoBit. Holy damn." You were drugged as fuck.
"Awe, Baby." He said sitting on your bed to feel your forehead for a fever. "You're high as a kite."
"Sh-shut up. Babe. Shush. Shush your stupid handsome face you-you-you mug!"
"Well if im being a mug then you're being a shoe."
"Yeah. Because the only way you could be useful right now was if I'm inside you." He said with a huge grin.
"Hey-hey, you picking a fight, mug?"
"Fuck yeah I am, shoe" he said slipping under the covers.

So you rarley listened to books on your phone or computer but you were making supper and it took a while to cook. You were running back and forth between the kitchen and the pantry so you had your phone on full volume in your back pocket. Words of a western story were filling the room when your boyfriend walked in.
"Hey, Dal." You said stirring a pot.
"Hey, babe. Smells good in here." He closed the backdoor and walked over to the food.
"Parker was the first to-"
"Y/N, your pants are talking."
"Back to Dallas-"
"Y/N, That ass is calling my name."
"Oh my fucking God, Dal."

You were cuddled up with your boyfriend just resting your eyes. You were listening to him talk about all kinds of stuff. Stuff from his day to the sky to something Dallas did to his parents to something outside of town. He got quiet all of a sudden so you opened your eyes to see him with a big smile on his face.
"What're you grinning at?" You ask.
"Oh nothing, Princess... it's just... I saw Chuck Berry yesterday."
"Did you?" You ask narrowing your eyes but going along with him anyways.
"Mhm, we got to talking ya'know. About all kinds of stuff."
"Told the guy, I said I was a greaser. You know what he told me?"
"Johnny B. Goode. HAHAHA!"
"Johnny, please."

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