How You Meet

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"Oh God, oh God!" You gasp as you pulled your shirt away from your body trying your best to keep the coke from soaking into your bra.
"I am so sorry! Ah, here!" Said the boy who made you spill. He quickly took off his jacket and gave it to you while pointing to the restrooms of the drive-in. While you were trying your hardest to clean up your mind started to wander. "He had some damn nice hair..." You thought.
"Hey, I really am sorry." He said as you exited the restroom.
"It's fine but it wasn't on purpose, right" You really didn't want him to be a wet t-shirt kind of guy.
"No, my friend kinda shoved me and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time..." He trailed off and pointed his thumb behind him at some blonde guy in a Mickey Mouse shirt who was laughing his ass off at us. "Uh, hey, come on, I'll buy you another drink to make it up to you." He really didn't need to be so embarrassed. You guys waited in line and it hit you that you haven't even asked for a name yet.
"Um... what's your name?" You starred at your feet and smiled at his answer.
"Ponyboy Curtis. And you?"
"Y/N Y/L/N."
"Well... That's a real nice name." He smiled.
"Your's, too, Ponyboy." You said but silently added "And a real cute one..."

"Are you serious?" You wispered trying to find the coffee you liked. You squated down to check the bottom shelf but it just wasn't there. You sighed and were about to stand up when someone spoke.
"I suggest maybe trying this kind." Your eyes followed up the body of a tall man holding his hand out to you. You accepted his hand and he pulled you up. "It's what I always get, anyways"
"Oh, uh, thanks. I guess I'll try it, then, if you think it's good." He handed you the coffee and you turned when you heard your friend yell at you.
"Oh my God! Chick, stop flirting and come on! We still have to finish geting ready for the party!"
You turned back to the man and thanked him once more.
"Don't mention it Miss...?"
"Oh my name's Y/N."
"Darrel Curtis. Nice meeting you." He waved and you flashed a smile before meeting your friend.
"Who was that guy?" They asked.
"He said his name was Darrel Curtis."
"Mm, well I'll tell you what! That boy got some muscles on him!" You laughed and had to agree.
"Yeah he was pretty handsome." You said aloud, but what you said to yourself was "Damn right he does..."

"Ah, hell." You were on your way to a family dinner and you were running low on gas. You came to a stop at the DX and stepped out your car. You were dressed up and all but you didn't deserve the wispers and gasps. It was rude and annoying.
"Can I help you, Miss?" You turned your head to see a handsome pretty boy named... Sodapop...? That's what is tag said, anyways.
"Oh, uh, Thanks but I got it." You smiled but he put up his hand and dismissed your words.
"Well I insist. Don't want you ruining nothing on that outfit, now do we?" He passed in front of you to the gas pump. "Gas, right?"
"Yeah, thank you."
"Now you know I can't accept just that." He said.
"What do you mean?" You felt your cheeks get hot. He looked too nice to try anything... right?
"I meant that I can't just accept a thanks without a name to go along with it." He said putting the pump back in its place.
"O-oh! My name's Y/N!" You smiled while reaching to shake his hand to which he accepted.
"Sodapop Curtis." Without letting go, he brought your hand to his lips and said "Nice metting you Miss Y/N." He smiled and opened the car door for you. You got in and thanked him once more as he waved you off.
"Prince Charming got a few tricks up his sleeve, huh?" You thought as you looked in your rear veiw.

"You got a starring problem?" You asked. You stopped at the DX because it was hot and you wanted some chips and a soda. You were in there for about 15 minutes when you snapped at the guy tending to the counter.
"You been in here awhile. Just want to make sure you ain't stealing nothing." He said folding his arms.
"It's hot as hell outside, okay? I'm sorry, damn." You grabbed a bag of chips off the shelf and walked over to the register. "This and I'll be on my way."
"You sure this is all...?" He looked you up and down with a suspicious glare.
"Yeah I'm pretty fucking sure... Stevie." You smirked and folded your arms, too. His tag said Steve but he deserves to be teased.
"Yeah, okay, and what's your name supposed to be, Sweetheart?" He said typing your drink and chips into the register.
"Y/N, actually." You tilted your head and narrowed your eyes.
"$2.50, Miss Y/N." He glared right back. You paid him and turned on your heel.
"Thank you, Stevie!" You called as you strutted out the DX.
"Such a bitter attitude... good think I snagged this." You thought as you pulled a candy bar out of your sleeve.

"UUUGGGHHH!!" You laid your head in the desk and glared daggers at your bestfriend.
"I'm sorry, Y/N! Geez! I tried to get you out but boss man didn't want to hear it." Y/B/F said as they laid their head down to look you in the eyes.
"Your face looks dumb when it's squished." You say
"Your face aways looks dumb!" They reply. You guys laugh and start laughing even more when you see each others' faces rubbing against the table.
"Haha, this is fun!" Someone said.
Your friend stayed down but you picked your head up to see an older looking blonde guy laughing with his face on the table.
"Howdy there, Miss." He says lifting his head. "Are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen such a cute face in detention before." You couldn't help but blush a bit. Not only did he just call you cute but he was right. You were a good kid and all the teachers knew it! It was Y/B/F's fault that you were here.
"What're trying to say, TwoBit?" Your friend raised their eyebrow and put their hands on their hips.
"I'm saying that pretty faces shouldn't be hanging with trouble makers like you, Y/B/F!" He put his hands in his hips to mock Y/B/F and him swiveling his head was pretty funny.
"Hey, we're all in here for some reason!" Y/B/F laughed and you starting giggling, too. Then it got quiet.
"Excuse me, but what is your name, little lady?" He asked resting his chin in his palm.
"O-Oh, sorry it's Y/N." You say flashing the brightest possible smile.
"Well I'm Keith Matthews but you can call me TwoBit." He he says reaching out to shake your hand.
"Boy sure is a charmer..." You thought.

"I'm so fucking stupid! Damn bastard, I swear to God!" You leaned against the front of a convenience store cursing yourself out along with your now ex-boyfriend. "Fucking hell, Man!" You said puting your foot on the wall with a stomp and leaning your head back.
"Need a drag, Sweetheart?" You opened your eyes to see the notorious Dallas Winston holding a cigarette in your face.
"I don't smoke." You said after a quick up and down glance.
"No? Well you might want to give it a try. Anything to keep you from stomping holes in walls." He took a puff and you raised an eyebrow at him only for him to turn and blow smoke in your face. You coughed and stood straight up.
"Look, Dallas Winston. I get you do what you want and all but I'm not in the mood so please continue on your way." You tried to sound polite but it was clear you were annoyed. But then you were really annoyed. He laughed. He smirked at you. He opened his mouth once more.
"You're cute when you're pissed off. Makes me want to know how cute you can really be." He said pulling a marker from his. He asked for your hand and when you hestitaly gave it to him he wrote his number on you.
"The hell is this for?" You looked at the writing and glared at him. You spoke in a low voice because honestly this boy is a waste of energy.
"I might want to get a call from you. Find out your name since you know mine. Maybe I want to erase whoever hurt that fragil heart of yours." He spoke in a mocking tone that was just plain irritating.
"... My name's Y/N..." He smirked and brushed his hand on your inked arm.
"I'll see you around, Y/N." And with that he made his way across the street and so on.
"...I want that fucking jacket..." You mumbled rubbing your arm up and down.

"Excuse me but are you okay?" You asked. You were walking home from a friend's house but had to stop. There was a boy sitting against a wall who didn't look all that great. You were always told not to talk to strangers but he looked about your age and was in too bad of shape to even try something.
"Yeah, I-I'm alright..." he trailed off and his head started to lean to the side.
"Uh, hey, man! You might need to go to the hospital! What happened to you?" You bent down and put your hand on his cheek to lift up his head.
"M-my home life ain't the best." His eyes opened to meet yours and he blushed as soon at they did. "Who are you?"
"Oh, Y/N... Can you tell me what your name is...?"
"Johnny. You should leave... It... it ain't safe for girls when it's dark..."
"I don't live too far away. Can you stand, Johnny?" You ask.
"I uh... guess I can... " he struggled but you sprung up to help him.
"You got a place you can go?" You pulled his arm over your shoulder.
"The Curtis House... would be fine... It... It's a few blocks away." He couldn't even make eye contact. You weren't sure if he was embarrassed or just hurting that bad. You figured it was both. You guys walked and you decided that he shouldn't be straining to talk. When you got to the house you were greeted with three guys who said they would take it from there. They thanked you and before you left Johnny did, too.
"Uh, thanks. I-I... I'll see you around... Y/N" You said goodbye and began to walk home rewinding the events in your head.
"Poor kid. Looked like the sweetest puppy dog I've ever seen." You said quietly.

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