Chapter 2

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When the boys got back inside, Laf and Herc showed Alex the way to their room. On their way up, John got a call from Thomas and said he had to go meet him, but would only be a few minutes.

Once John had walked away, Herc and Laf turned to Alex with dark expressions.

"Whatever you do, DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH JEFFERSON," Laf hissed at him. "He's not a good influence."

"Yeah. John says they like each other, but frankly, I think he's just too scared of him to say no," Herc added. "Well- guess you should see our room."

Laf put the key in the doorknob and turned it, entering the room.

Alex gasped. It was amazing- high ceiling, four-poster beds, a large bulletin board with schedules pinned to it- on the far right side of the room there was a mini-fridge and a microwave, while on the left was a dresser separated into four sections. Each bed had a pull-out night stand attached to the side, as well. White Christmas lights were strung around the corners of the room, and a large desk had three dividers in it, making space for four people to work.

"This is- wow," Alex said breathlessly.

"It's one of the better ones, no?" Laf said, grinning at how impressed Alex was.

"Yeah," Alex whispered, still gazing around.

Herc smiled and took Alex's bags and trunk over to his four-poster. Alex followed, taking in every detail of the room.

"You get this drawer," Laf said, opening one of the sections of the dresser.

"Ok. Thanks," Alex replied. "Which section of the desk-"

"You can have them all," Herc said, laughing. "We never use them. You can remove the dividers and use it as one."

"Really?" Alex said, taken aback, yet pleased. He worked a lot- the extra space would be very useful. "Thank you!"

He took out his clothes and began to sort them into his drawer, while Herc and Laf flopped down on their beds and began scrolling through their phones.

"Where's John?" Alex asked after a few minutes.

Laf looked up. "I guess he's still with Thomas," he said, furrowing his brow and locking eyes with Herc. "Should we text him, mon ami?"

"Yeah," Herc said suspiciously. As he typed out a message, Laf explained to Alex.

"This happens a lot," he sighed. "Jefferson will take John away for a while and won't let him go. We constantly have to keep him in check."

"Honestly, we're scared for Laurens," Herc admitted, hitting the send button.

Alex frowned.

"I hope he's okay," he muttered.

Laf looked up and smiled at Alex's blushing face. "For more reasons than one, I assume."


"Oh, come on! We saw how you were looking at him!" Here chuckled.

Alex turned away from the pair, trying to hide his red face.

"Shut up," he hissed at the two, grabbing another box and beginning to unpack it.

A few minutes later, Herc's text tone went off.

"John says he's on his way," he said, shrugging.

Just as he had predicted, John walked through the door a moment later with a flustered expression and was slightly out of breath.

"H-hey," he said, trying to look casual.

"John?" Laf said, looking at him with concern. "Are you okay?"

John hesitated, but put on a smile and nodded quickly.

Alex caught Herc's eyes and they exchanged the same worried expression, but no one said anything.

" now?" asked Alex.

"Well, you'll be needing our numbers, of course," said Herc, pulling out his phone. "Here."

Alex put the numbers from the three into his phone.

"What beds are you guys sleeping in?" Alex asked.

"Herc and I have the top two bunks. You and John will get the bottom ones," Laf said.

John smiled at Alex and plopped down on his bed. Then he smacked his forehead.

"Crap- I forgot to get my stuff. Let me go get it," John said, standing back up.

"I'll come with you," offered Alex. "If you want," he added quickly.

"Oh- um, sure."

Herc and Laf raised their eyebrows and smiled at Alex as he and John walked out. Alex ignored them.

It was silent for a minute as they walked down the halls.

"So- how long have you known everyone?" asked Alex.

"Well," John said, laughing a little, "you're kinda the only new kid. Herc, Laf, the Schuylers, Maria, Jefferson, Madison, and I were all in the same graduating class."

"Geez," Alex said, laughing too. He felt a little weird learning that he was the only outsider.

"You'll fit right in, though," John assured him. "I mean, college is new to all of us. There are plenty of people here that none of us know."

Alex smiled. Clearing his throat, he tried to sound casual as he asked his next question.

"How long have you and Thomas been together?"

John's smile faltered, but he quickly plastered it back on.

"Since we were sophomores," he answered. "Here's my room."

John pushed open the door. It looked a bit like the room that Alex was staying in, but smaller and not as homely. There were only two beds in this room.

Jefferson looked up from his desk when the two walked in. He rolled his eyes and went back to writing whatever it was he was writing. As John grabbed his stuff and put it in a bag, Alex noticed another boy on one of the beds.

"H-hello," Alex stuttered to the boy. The boy looked up from his phone. He ran his eyes up and down Alex's body, nodded his head, and went back to his phone.

John finished getting his bag together and tugged on Alex's sleeve to get him out of the room.

"Who was that?" Alex asked as John shut the door.

"James Madison," John said shortly.


The two didn't speak again until they got outside Alex's room.

"Hey," Alex said, turning John to face him. "We're all here for you. You know that, right?"

John blushed. "Thanks," he mumbled, opening the door.

AN: Wow babes I think this might even be turning out better than Camp Revolutionary! Which do you like better?
-Eli :)

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